Friday, May 22, 2020
The Religion Of Matthew Lewis s The Monk - 1225 Words
Perversion of Religion in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk Matthew Lewis’s The Monk, published in 1796, depicts the Catholic Church in Madrid as the victim of religious perversion caused by the pride and lust of its leaders. The events of the novel, including the monk Ambrosio’s surrender to temptation, leading to the rape and murder of innocent Antonia, as well as Agnes’s imprisonment by the vain Prioress of St. Clare’s Convent, serve to emphasize the lack of true religious devotion in the city of Madrid. However, despite the shocking events of the novel, the city had already fallen prey to temptation, and had ultimately strayed from the path of the Church long before these new atrocities took place. Ambrosio, though he has taken a vow of†¦show more content†¦Pride is one of the most common sins committed in The Monk. There are very few characters in the novel that escape this particular blemish to their personality. Early in the novel, Lewis describes the inhabitants of the church, saying, â€Å"the Women came to show themselves, the Men to see the Women,†(7). Thus, although the natives of Madrid have come to mass, they came for the wrong reason; their pride drives most of their actions. Antonia’s aunt, Leonella, is particularly prey to her prideful nature, despite her age. As she returns from mass with Antonia, she tells the girl, â€Å"the very moment I produced myself in Madrid, I knew that I should be surrounded by Admirers.†This example of Leonella’s vanity, humorous to the reader because of the woman s appearance in comparison to that of her beautiful niece, is very quickly criticized. Upon the woman’s encounter with the gypsy as she returned from mass, Leonella was nearly â€Å"choaked with passion†as she listened to the stranger’s mocking advice to â€Å"lay aside/ your paint and patches.†Even the nuns in the Convent of St. Clare are not immune to pride. When Theodore, disguised as a beggar, attempts to gain access into the Convent, Lewis states, â€Å"his feigned timidity flattered the vanity of the Nuns,†(284); he gains a place in theirShow MoreRelatedWrite an Essay on the Relationship Between Frankenstein and the Creature, and Compare/Contrast Their Relationship with That Exhibited Between Two Other Characters in One Other Text.2328 Words  | 10 PagesVictor Frankenstein and The Monster he created will be discussed, by analysing both characters relationship to each other before detailing the effects this relationship had, on the others actions and how it led to their eventual downfall. In Matthew Lewis’ The Monk the relationship between Ambrosio and Matilda w ill be analysed and then compared to the aforementioned relationship in Frankenstein in order to highlight any similarities or differences in Ambrosios’ fall from grace as opposed to Victors. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
The Social Science Perspectives Of Sociologists And Social...
The two social science perspectives of criminologists and social marketers share both connections and disparities when it comes to the use of drugs and alcohol. This report emphasises the different disciplinary approaches used by both these social science perspectives when it comes to alcohol and drugs. A criminologists perspective explores the use of drug courts to divert illicit drug users from prison into treatment programs for their drug addictions along with the revaluation of the 25a crimes act ‘Assault causing death’ due to the 2012 Thomas Kelly king-hit in Kings cross. The social marketing perspectives examines the different marketing range and nature of advertising and promotional strategies used by alcohol companies to young people and the codes and regulations put in place when it comes to advertising alcohol and young people. It is inevitable that at some stage in an individual’s life, they are going to use drugs and or alcohol and some point. In the entirety of this report alcohol refers to a liquid or brew containing alcohol as the active agent and drugs refer to a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic. (Hornby, A.S. and Wehmeier, S., 1995) The criminologist’s perspective has a heavy reliance on the drug court when it comes to the disciplinary approaches used in relations to drugs. The term Drug Court refers to dedicated courtrooms that provide judicially- monitored treatment, drug testing and other services to drug-involved offenders. TheyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Digital On The Digital Age1332 Words  | 6 Pagesin the Digital Age, weaves together the brain function of memory and technology to form a new way of reconstructing memory in the cultural, social, and personal senses. Dijck is currently a professor of Comparative Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gate Sample Application Form Free Essays
Zone/Scrutiny Code By Registered Post/Speed Post Only 6NP To GATE 2013 Chairman GATE Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur, 721302 From Nifal Rasheed Adam AN KHOSLA HALL OF RESIDENCE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR NEAR DOORDARSHAN KENDRA, OPPOSITE CMPDI SAMANTAPURI, BHUBANESWAR Orissa, 751013 148 J 871 Y 99380 59870 (Mobile No. ) Cut Here Instructions to the Applicant (GATE 2013) 1. This print out should contain the following pages. We will write a custom essay sample on Gate Sample Application Form or any similar topic only for you Order Now (a) This page: Address Slip and Instructions. (b) Application form, filled with the information you provided online. c) Bank Challan in Triplicate (available as a separate file for download from the GATE Online Application Interface), if you have chosen Offline Challan Payment (Not applicable for female candidates). 2. On the GATE copy of the Application Form, paste a 4. 5cm x 3. 5cm printed copy of the SAME color photograph you uploaded online. (a) Use good quality glue to ensure that the photograph does not separate from the application. (b) Do not pin, stapple, sign, or attest the photograph. 3. Read the declaration and put your signature in the box next to it. 4. If you are in the final year or you have a backlog after appearing for the final year exam, you must get your Principal’s or HOD’s sign and seal in the last portion of the application form. Submit the whole form to the Principal’s office without cutting it. 5. If you have opted for Challan payment, wait for 48 hours after your online submission to visit the bank’s branch. You can visit any branch of the bank printed on your challan. 6. The bank teller will verify the details printed on the challan with the data available on their computer and then accept the payment. The bank will retain one copy and give you back the remaining copies: one of which you have to send along with the printed application form and the other is for your reference. 7. Mailing Documents to GATE office. (a) Cut the Address Slip and paste it onto an A4 sized envelope (Do not fill address by hand or tamper the address slip). (b) Collect the supporting documents shown under Enclosure Checklist in the application form (if you have uploaded the soft copy of the documents online, you need not send a hard copy). Mark the check list boxes. (c) Do NOT FOLD the application form and Do NOT STAPLE or pin the documents to the form. d) Send the packet by Speed Post (preferably) or by Registered Post to the address mentioned. The application packet should REACH the respective GATE office on or before Monday, 8 October 2012. Note: Application ID – 148 J 871 Y. You should preserve this number for further correspondence. Zone/Scrutiny Code 6NP 148 J 871 Y (Full Name of Applicant) GAT E 2013 Application Form Applicant’s recent photograph 4. 5 cm x 3. 5 cm (Application ID) Nifal Rasheed Adam 148 J 871 Y 20 Aug 1990 (D. O. B) Male (Name of Parent) OBC-NC Do not Attest Do not sign on photo Indian National P Abdul Rasheed Communication Address AN KHOSLA HALL OF RESIDENCE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR NEAR DOORDARSHAN KENDRA, OPPOSITE CMPDI SAMANTAPURI, BHUBANESWAR Orissa, 751013 India GATE Exam Details ME (GATE Paper code) Bhubaneswar, OR (Exam City 1) Cuttack, OR (Exam City 2) Scribe Assistance Required: nifaladamiit@gmail. com 99380 59870 (Mobile No. ) No Qualification Details B. Tech Mechanical Engg. Graduated: No, Year of Graduation: 2013 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR BHUBANESWAR Orissa, 751013 Zonal GATE Office Contact Chairman GATE Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur, 721302 Payment Details Online Rs. 1200. 00 MSBI2813789700 21/09/2012 I hereby declare that all the particulars stated in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Information Brochure and I shall abide by the terms and conditions therein. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact in my application form, I understand that I will be denied the opportunity to appear in GATE 2013. Further, if any suppression or distortion of facts is found after appearing in the exam, any admission/degree acquired on the basis of GATE 2013 score is liable to be cancelled. Digital Fingerprint: b16140f109c2622e796613acd26a33dc Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ /†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ /†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Applicant’s signature inside the box in black ink Principal Certificate (For use as the eligibility certificate only for final year or backlog applicants) This is to certify that Nifal Rasheed Adam is a student enrolled in INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR, BHUBANESWAR. He is a student of the final year of B. Tech. He appeared in the final semester/year exam of the above degree, but has a backlog to be cleared from an earlier semester/year, and therefore cannot produce a course completion certificate. Date: Signature of Principal/ HOD Seal How to cite Gate Sample Application Form, Papers
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