Monday, September 30, 2019
Neurotransmitter: Neuron and Hormones Function
What Is Neurotransmitter? Neurotransmitter is a chemical that is released from a nerve cell which thereby transmits an impulse from a nerve cell to another nerve, muscle, organ or other tissue. (Webster new world medicine dictionary. http://www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=9973) What are Hormones? Hormones are chemicals that carry messages from organs of your body to your cells. The glands that secrete hormones are part of the endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and pancreas, to name a few) and work in large part to keep the body’s natural balance in check. (Gary Gills, former about. com January 15, 2009. ttp://type1diabetes. about. com/od/glossaryofdiabetesterms/g/Hormones. ht Give an explanation of two similarities and two differences in how Neurotransmitter and hormones function as messenger. It is believed that the brain contains several hundred different types of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) that act as communication agents between different brain cells. These chemical messengers are molecular substances that can affect mood, appetite, anxiety, sleep, heart rate, temperature, aggression, fear and many other psychological and physical occurrences. Two differences between neurotransmitter and hormones is . Neurotransmitter has an instantaneously reaction while hormones have a late reaction. This is so because hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands in the bloodstream away from their function site and are carried by the circulation (bloodstream) to the target cell where they are effective. While Neurotransmitter is released at a specialized region of nerve cells and have to diffuses over a small gap (synaptic cleft) to the target cell. 2. Hormones have a long lasting reaction while Neurotransmitters has a short time reaction. http://www. differencebetween. net/science/difference-between-enzymes-and-hormones/
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Denim Finishing Company Case Essay
Mrs. Kelsey Bowser using the ABC method decided to use the number of garments as the cost driver of the change-over costs. Nevertheless, I argue that this was not the best possible choice. I will try to defend my point using the following example. Let’s assume that Guess Who Jeans demands 600, not 500 garments per shipment. Although the number of garments changes, the total change-over costs would stay the same, because no additional retooling of the machine would be necessary. The whole change-over process takes 3 hours regarding if the number of garments is 200, 500 or 800. Furthermore, let’s strictly theoretically assume that the company is able to achieve some extra capacity and one batch is now composed of 150 garments instead of 100 garments. Still, although the total number of garments would vastly increase, the change-over costs would be altered only partially. The opportunity cost measured as a lost contribution margin would slightly increase, but the out-of-po cket costs would stay the same, as the wages of the employees and supplies costs will not change. Thus, it is clear that the number of garments is not the proper cost driver for the change-over costs. In my opinion the number of shipments would be a much better cost driver for the change-over costs. Regarding the number of garments or the number of batches Guess Who Jeans demands every shipment requires the change-over costs to be incurred twice. For instance, if 99 shipments were made, the total change-over costs would equal $351 * 198 = $69,498, because two change-overs ($702) would not have to be undertaken. Thus, the number of shipments clearly drives the analyzed costs. Unlikely the previous example with the number of garments per batch increasing to 150, the number of shipments fully ‘drives’ the change-over costs. Every time the number of shipments rises or falls, the change-over costs change by the full amount of the two per-changeover costs which properly reflect the real situation. Using such a cost driver may be problematic when the allocation of the chang e-over costs is analyzed. Nevertheless, I argue that those cost should be solely allocated to the propriety denim finishing. The demand for the stonewashing services exceeds the company’s capacity. Thus, if the Guess Who Jeans’ offer was declined, the company would use the whole capacity for stonewashing. However, if the offer was accepted the stonewashing processes would be somehow ‘interrupted’ by the propriety denim finishing. Each ‘interruption’, and therefore each shipment would require incurring the change-over costs twice. No factor connected with stonewashing ‘drives’ those costs. Regarding the number of batches or garments used in the stonewashing process each shipment necessitates the cost of $702. Therefore, I believe this cost should be associated with every shipment done by Guess Who Jeans. In Appendix A I present the product profitability analysis using the number of shipment as the cost driver. Moreover, Mrs. Kelsey Bowser claims that the change-over costs should be treated as product-sustaining costs. Nevertheless, I believe her opinion is wrong. I believe these costs should be on the batch level in the cost hierarchy. Hence, I believe the initial analysis undertaken by Mrs. Bowser was correct, although the cost driver she selected was improper. Product-sustaining level costs could be defined as ‘activities that are needed to support an entire product line but are not performed every time a new unit or batch of products is produced’ [Hilton 2010]. Although the first part of the definition applies to the change-over costs, it is clearly not the case when the second part of the definition is concerned. The change-over costs have to be incurred every time the shipments is delivered and the propriety denim finishing has to be done. Therefore, I believe these costs should be rather placed as the batch-level costs in the cost hierarchy. Batch-level costs are believed to ‘arise from activities performed once for each batch or lot of products’ [Zimmerman 2011]. Since the change-over costs need to be incurred every shipment, placing them at this level in the hierarchy seems reasonable. 2. It is clear that before accepting the proposal several nonfinancial issues have to be considered in order to make a reasonable decision. First, the management should think how accepting the Gues Who offer would affect the relations with the other clients. Since Guess Who requires the Denim Finishing Company not to offer the particular type of finish to other customers, it is very likely that relations with other firms will worsen. The Denim Finishing Company has been cooperating with many companies for a long time. Therefore, those companies may dislike the fact that the new client receives the special treatment, while such benefits could not be observed in their case, even though they have been the customers for ages. Consequently, the Denim Finishing Company’s reputation may shrink and furthermore the firm may lose some of its customers that it had long term relations established with. Accepting the Guess Who offer, as mentioned before, would require the Denim Finishing Company to offer the certain time of finish exclusively to Guess Who. Hence, the firm would be prohibited from providing other companies with this service. Before making the decision it should be analyzed if that could lead to potential losses in the future. For instance, although cooperating with Guess Who may be beneficial, the potential gains from offering that type of finish to other clients could be higher. If so, the Denim Finishing Company should rather provide the service to other firms. Naturally, before making such a decision it has to be determined if other firms would require the Denim Finishing Company to offer the service exclusively to them, like it is the case for Guess Who. Offering exclusive service to one company may result in other companies’ (not only potential clients as mentioned in the previous paragraph, but also current ones) demands for exclusive treatment. If other clients, especially those who have been cooperating with the Denim Finishing Company for a long time, realize that it is possible to receive such a special treatment, they would likely claim for it too, as it could give them a competitive advantage over other firms in their industry. Thus, the Denim Finishing Company would undoubtedly face a big problem. It theoretically could increase the prices for the firms that demand exclusive service, but it could lead to losing those clients. Accepting or declining the Guess Who offer may also result in potential conflicts within the firm that have to be considered. For instance, Bruce Farrand who is against the offer may be so determined in defending his point of view that if the offer is accepted, he will decide to terminate his employment. However, he might be so valuable for the company that the gains from the cooperation with Guess Who would not compensate for the value added by Mr. Farrand. Moreover, some other conflicts could arise in the company after deciding either. Before making the decision it would also be recommended to analyze the potential influence the service offered to Guess Who could have on the machine. Since providing the finish would require constant and often retooling of the machine, it could negatively affect the lifetime of the machine. What is more, it is possible that the quality of services done by the machine would shrink because of those often changes. Hence, the satisfaction among clients could diminish and the high cost of purchasing new machine would have to be incurred soon. It also cannot be forgotten that the current demand exceeds the firm’s capacity and some of its clients already use services provided by other companies. Thus, if the Denim Finishing Company’s has even less time for stonewashing, these clients can shift to competitors. Finally, it should be estimated what potential nonfinancial benefits could cooperating with Guess Who bring to the Denim Finishing Company. Guess Who is considered to be a company that offers innovative and premium products. Thus, being an important business partner of such a firm could have a positive impact on the Denim Finishing Company’s reputation. Consequently, it could attract new clients and encourage more companies to cooperate with the Denim Finishing Company. Moreover, successful cooperation with Guess Who Jeans could lead to extending the business relations with that company. For instance, it could outsource more of its production to the Denim Finishing Company. 3. If I were Tom Corcoran, I would undoubtedly have a few questions for the controller. First, I would ask about all the problems mentioned in the two previous questions. As mentioned before, I believe that Mrs. Bowser did not place the change-over costs at the right level in the cost hierarchy. Hence, I would like to get to know why she decided to treat them as product-sustaining costs, while there are a lot of arguments supporting the idea to treat them as batch-level costs. Furthermore, the cost driver chosen by Mrs. Bowser is highly doubtful. I would require the explanation how and to what extent in her opinion the number of garments ‘drives’ the change-over costs. Since I believe the number of garments is not the right cost driver, I would ask Mrs. Bowser for some other type of profitability analysis, such as the analysis presented in Appendix A. The analysis presented at the meeting by the controller could be misleading. Both Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 present data that is in my opinion inaccurate. Moreover, as it was analyzed in the second question accepting or declining the offer could lead to multiple nonfinancial outcomes that may play a significant role on the company’s profitability. Hence, I would ask if such factors have been analyzed and if so, what possible impact they may have. I also believe that Tom Corcoran would be most interested in the total profit his company would have under both scenarios. Analyses presented at the meeting, as valuable as they might be, do not contain such information. For instance, they do not include the facility-sustaining costs that the Denim Finishing Company has to incur. Hence, it would be recommended to present Tom Corcoran with the yearly profit the firm may earn. Moreover, I would ask Mrs. Bowser about the accuracy of her assumptions in Exhibit 4. She estimates that the costs of the proprietary process, as well as the price paid by Guess Who Jeans wi ll not change during the year. However, it may not necessarily be the case. The analysis relies on historical costs that may not be appropriate for the future estimations. Thus, I would like to know if Mrs. Bowser took that aspect into account. Another question would regard the overhead rates of the batch- and unit-level costs. The rates were estimated when only stonewashing was done. However, accepting the offer from Guess Who Jeans would require retaining from using the machine for 600 hours. This could likely result in different overhead costs and consequently different overhead rates. The batch-level utility cost can be particularly problematic. It is ‘driven’ by the machine hours and as previously mentioned the machine is not used for 3 hours before and 3 hours after the shipment. Furthermore, the case makes it unclear whether drying is also performed by the Unit #4. The per-garment utilities cost includes 3 hours for washing and 3 hours for drying. However, when the change-over is undertaken, the washing is not performed, because the machine cannot be used. Therefore, during the change-over the utilities cost is possibly lower. This is especially important for the opportunity cost analysis. Since the case is lacking information explaining the problem, if I were Tom Corcoran I would like to clarify it. Finally, I strongly believe that it would also be necessary to ask Mrs. Bowser about the facility-sustaining costs. Such costs are ignored in the controller’s analysis. Nevertheless, they still affect the company’s profitability. Hence, I would like to get to know how big those costs are. Moreover, the facility-sustaining costs could also be somehow influenced by the possible cooperation with Guess Who Jeans. For instance, the security or insurance costs could rise, since the service is supposed to be offered exclusively to that particular client. Therefore, the analysis of the capacity-sustaining costs would also be useful. To sum up, if I were Tom Corcoran I would have many doubts about the controller’s analysis. I would probably ask her to prepare yet another presentation that includes my suggestions. However, if I were to make the decision, I probably would accept the Guess Who Jeans’ offer. The analysis in the Appendix A, although it does not include nonfinancial factors and may not properly reflect all the costs, clearly shows that such a scenario leads to increased profits. 4. Activity-based costing is undoubtedly a useful tool that could help the management to make the optimal decision. It is much more accurate that the traditional costing systems. Distinguishing various activities and determining cost drivers relating to them helps to more precisely allocate the costs. Using one cost driver for all the amount of the overhead could create the situation where the indirect costs are not really ‘driven’ by the particular cost. For instance, although direct labor hours might to some extent determine the value of the overhead, the influence may only be partial, especially regarding certain products. Using various cost drivers for various activities largely eliminates this problem. What is more, selecting particular cost drivers for respective activities enables ‘taxing’ certain activities. This internal tax system gives an incentive to reduce certain costs and therefore improve the company’s efficiency. For instance, if machine labor hours are chosen as a driver for the production activity there is an impulse to lower the number of machine labor hours which consequently results in decreased value of overhead, lower costs and higher profits. Under Activity-Based Costing the share of costs allocated directly to the products increases. Thus, the company better understand where its overhead costs go to. It enables the firm to identify the products that are not profitable and undertake relevant actions, such as decreasing costs, raising the price or withdrawing the product. However, the cost hierarchy helps to make such decision regarding not only particular products, but also batches and product lines. This undoubtedly allows making decisions that are more profit-maximizing. Moreover, in the ABC the practical capacity is used. Therefore, it is possible to determine the unused capacity. Diminishing the unused capacity is definitely helpful in maximizing the profits of the company. Hence, Activity-Based Costing provides the management with the information necessary to make optimal decisions. To compare, the traditional costing systems do not give such a possibility. However, the ABC method also has some flaws that may result in making a non-optimal production decision. Some of those disadvantages could be observed in the previous questions. First, the system is believed to be complicated. As noticeable in the first question choosing the proper cost driver for the particular activity might be problematic. Selecting the wrong driver could lead to biased results and consequently the decision that is not profit-maximizing. Furthermore, trying to maintain the cost hierarchy may also be difficult, as shown in the example of Mrs. Bowser from the Denim Finish Company. The results when the costs were determined as the batch-level where completely different than when they were analyzed to be product-level. Thus, such easily made mistakes could result in a non-optimal decision. Furthermore, as it could be seen in the second question Activity-Based Costing does not include any nonfinancial measures. Thus, even though pure financial values may show that a particular decision is profit-maximizing, it might not necessarily be the case. Other factors, such as e.g. loss of reputation could actually result in decreased profits. Finally, the ABC method requires gathering data from the whole company, often through interviews. Hence, there is a relatively big possibility that collected data is not perfectly accurate. To sum up, the Activity-Based Costing method is quite reliable tool in making optimal production decisions, especially compared to the traditional costing systems. However, the system has to be carefully planned and implemented, because any mistakes could lead to inaccurate results. Choosing the wrong cost driver and improper assignment of the costs in the cost hierarchy may result in undesired errors. Furthermore, as useful as the ABC is, the management cannot rely solely on financial values provided by the method. Before making the decision all nonfinancial factors have to be considered. Only such a consideration combined with the information supplied by the properly designed and applied Activity-Based Costing system can lead to the optimal production decision. 5. The marginal costing analysis may undoubtedly be a useful tool in making an optimal decision. However, it has to be used carefully, because some of its suggestions may be misleading. This could also be observed in the analysis presented by Mrs. Bowser. The concerns are somehow parallel to the questions raised before. First, the marginal costing analysis does not include any nonfinancial factors. Hence, although the particular activity may seem profitable, it might not necessary be true. Second, the analysis is based on the historical, not the actual costs. The actual costs and price that Guess Who Jeans would be required to pay may differ over the time. Similarly, the application of the overhead depends on the estimates rather than the actual values. Thus, over or underabsorption may happen. Moreover, as mentioned before, after accepting the offer the overhead rates could change. Thus, the costs provided by the controller in the analysis might be inaccurate. As pointed out in the previous question the case is lacking the information about the possible decrease in the utilities costs during the change-overs. If that was true, the opportunity cost associated with the lost contribution margin on sales of 70,000 stonewashed garments would considerably increase. Considerably, the incremental profit from accepting the new offer would diminish. Another problem with Mrs. Bowser’s analysis, as well as with all the marginal costing analyses is that they do not include the costs that do not change with the unit volume. However, such costs could also influence the decision. Although the analysis presented by the controller shows that accepting the offer would be highly profitable, the figures would not look so vastly appealing if the amount of capacity-sustaining overhead was included in the Exhibit. Furthermore, the presented analysis is only a short-term one. Nevertheless, before making a strategic management the management also has to cons ider the long-term perspective. The analysis shows that in the certain year the incremental profits from accepting the Guess Who Jeans’ offer would equal some particular value. The analysis only includes one year though. In the following years the profits could be lower and thus declining the offer could actually be a better decision. For instance, imagine that Guess Who Jeans needs the propriety denim finishing services for its new products that are just to be introduced to the market. The client may expect the high demand for the new product in the first year. However, in the following years the demand for the product, and consequently for the Denim Finishing Company’s services may shrink. Finally, the marginal costing analysis includes only one-case scenario. It assumes that the projected and the actual number of shipments will be equal. However, it is not certain if that will happen. If some unexpected events happen the marginal costing analysis will not properly reflect the real situation. It cannot be forgotten that the marginal costing analysis is a simple and straightforward tool that can support the decision making. It is particularly useful when two products or divisions are to be compared. Moreover, it can give the management the basis for analyzing the opportunity cost of declining the Guess Who Jeans’ offer. However, the marginal costing analysis should be used carefully. I believe it should be treated as a supportive instrument for decision making rather than the major source of information. Hence, if the controller alter a few things, the analysis could help to make the optimal, profit-maximizing decision.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Strategic Management Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Management - Outline Example Resources a firm acts as its competitive strength when strategically exploited. The exploitation of organization resources with a view of creating sustainable advantage occur over time. Strategic resource positioning The performance of a firm would depend on a number of factors. First, product viability depends on its cost in comparison to similar products and the capacity of the product to meet the demands in the market. Strategic placement of product would dictate product innovation; which includes designing, composition, and conditions, which influences its processing. The uniqueness of the product does not only influence imitation of the product, but also the identity in the market. Firms whose products are not viable innovate or shift in order to remain economically viable. How resources meet consumer demands The consumer’s behavior defines whether the product is valuable. This attribute would dictate the success of an industry. Industries consider product innovation stra tegies, which would produce unique response in the market. It means that the product has to be hard to imitate as well as identified by many consumers. Many firms consider product innovation strategy, which would create a product that is hard to substitute as well as rare in supply. Products, which create satisfaction, would retain the consumers over a time. Types of resources Resources of a firm are critical to its success. These resources are either tangible or intangible. Tangible assets include infrastructure, reputation, and database while intangible assets are strategies of the firm. The ability of a firm to compete in the market depends on its asset mobilization. Strategic resources The influence that a firm exerts in the market would depend on the strategies it develops in the following areas: financial assets, human assets, reputation assets, capabilities and competencies, and intellectual assets. Mobilization of the assets with an aim of achieving the organization goals in fluences the positioning of the firm. Reputation assets The viability of a firm would depend on the reputation it commands in the market. For a firm to build a good reputation it would consider cost of the product, competitors influence, consumer behavior, and economic constraints (Haberberg and Rieple, 2007:8). The above factors influence the approach that a firm would take towards building its reputation. Firms rebrand their products in response to consumer behavior in order to keep the product viable in the market. Relational assets Competitiveness of a firm does not only rely on reputational assets, but also relational assets. The internal environment of the firm would influence its productivity. The relationship between various departments must focus on the interest of the firm. Internal relationship in the firm would influence the work out put of the firm. This will in turn influence consumers’ satisfaction. For instance, satisfaction of the employees would contribute t o satisfaction of the consumers because the employees would strive towards achieving the goals of the firm. The relationship between the firm and the government will define its operations in the market. Thus, the relation must demonstrate an interest in serving the consumers. Dynamic capabilities The ever-changing market conditions require dynamic approaches in organization’s functions. Firms must be ready to demonstrate innovation in a changing environment. The uncertainty of the future dictates that a firm has to change its
Friday, September 27, 2019
Water and Its Importance in Broward Countys Environment Term Paper
Water and Its Importance in Broward Countys Environment - Term Paper Example Pollutants taken by this run-off can be released into pathways, ponds, and other systems water with negative ecological effects. In Broward Nation, a major resource of stormwater contamination is scenery run-off. The plant foods, weed killers, and bug sprays we use to keep our lawns looking their best can actually end up doing more damage than good. When it downpours, these pollutants along with other contaminants like fuel and oil can run off from our qualities and into our local storage areas, pathways, and larger systems water like the Everglades and Seaside Ocean. Flower foods, in particular, can cause some serious issues for our water resources. Flower foods promote the development of plankton and marine fresh mushrooms because they contain high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, two nutritional values that encourage plant development. The out of control development of plankton and unwanted marine vegetation (like hydrilla and cattails) and Water hyacinth damages our ocean often . Once fertilizers get into our waterways, they can cause the rapid development of plankton. Algal biomass atmosphere the water and blocks sunshine, causing stress to marine vegetation. When that vegetation passes away, it sinks to the bottom and is decomposed by parasites. As the parasites feed off the vegetation, it reduces oxygen from the water that seafood and other creatures need to live, and can outcome in large seafood destroys. Plant biomass can also cram pathways, reducing discharge. This often results in the need for chemical treatment, which is not only costly but also plays a role in the contamination of our water. Excess fertilizers in our water can also cause changes in established surroundings. For instance, cattails can grow so heavy that they press out all local vegetation, allowing exotic and obtrusive vegetation to take hold. This can limit looking by creatures and eventually cause local varieties to seek other places for the environment.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Overview of the Issue Presented in the News Article Essay
Overview of the Issue Presented in the News Article - Essay Example The facility of child tax credit facilitates families to have certain amount of credit for all dependent children in against federal income tax. Moreover, the article describes that in the US, there are various sorts of programs which are initiated with the objective of assisting the poor. These programs include healthcare facilities as well as tax benefits for facilitating the people who are in need. These are the factors which are involved in the article with regard to poverty in the US (The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2012). Model or Economic Theory of Poverty The model or economic theory which is related with the issue i.e. poverty as depicted in the news article is as follows: Neo-classical Theory The model or economic theory of poverty which is related with the issue i.e. poverty in the news article is the neoclassical theory. The neoclassical theory states that income is distributed in accordance with the hard work as well as skills which are devoted by individuals. In this r espect, the people who are poor are considered to be lazy as well as to be lacking in terms of competencies to perform their activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, in accordance with this theory, wage structure is also determined to be a major factor for poverty. The wage structures of laborers are not sufficient in order to bear up the cost of living of the whole family. Moreover, the competencies of laborers assist in determining the wages to be offered. The laborers are paid according to their skills as well as abilities. Thus, this theory is also based on the concept of marginal productivity conceptions. The workers are required to devote significant time in work with the intention of acquiring... he model or economic theory of poverty which is related with the issue i.e. poverty in the news article is the neoclassical theory. The neoclassical theory states that income is distributed in accordance with the hard work as well as skills which are devoted by individuals. In this respect, the people who are poor are considered to be lazy as well as to be lacking in terms of competencies to perform their activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, in accordance with this theory, wage structure is also determined to be a major factor for poverty. The wage structures of laborers are not sufficient. Moreover, the competencies of laborers assist in determining the wages to be offered. The laborers are paid according to their skills as well as abilities. Thus, this theory is also based on the concept of marginal productivity conceptions. The workers are required to devote significant time in work with the intention of acquiring enough financial resources for supporting their families as well as meeting all their requirements in an effective manner. The neo-classical economic theory states as well as predicts the different causes of poverty which include the notion that individuals seek to improve their respective economic conditions without any consideration for other individuals. This signifies that individuals invest with the motive of improving their respective well-being. The poor people in this regard do not possess enough incentives for improving their financial positions.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Please go to this link and discuss a question with philosophy ethics Essay
Please go to this link and discuss a question with philosophy ethics and knowledge - Essay Example People believe that they can find their happiness. Natural happiness is one that we get when we achieve our desires while a synthetic one that we make when we do not get that which we wanted. Modern society believes that synthetic happiness is inferior to a natural one. The analysis shows that synthetic happiness is as genuine as any other form. Satisfaction of this kind occurs when one is happy with what they currently have. Freedom is some form of natural happiness and is the enemy of synthetic happiness. Synthetic happiness helps people to accept the things they cannot change. Irreversible situations are not favorable for artificial happiness to occur. Some things are better than others, and it is good to have preferences. When we have unlimited ambition, we can work at our best. When we have ambitions that are limited, this can make us go into negative vices to get the happiness that we seek. Such a situation can even cause us to sacrifice things that are of value to us. Our worries and everyday pressures are overblown because we have the ability to control how we react to them. We have the capacity to make our
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case management concepts to care for patients with high-risk complex Essay
Case management concepts to care for patients with high-risk complex needs - Essay Example Existing literature on the subject of case management has often found that it is successful and beneficial to the patient, their families and their caregivers (Bergen 1992; Pugh et al. 2001; Riegel, Carlson, Kopp, LePetri, Glaser & Unger 2002). Case management can be especially beneficial for patients that have high-risk complex needs, such as elderly patients with congestive heart failure and diabetes, and it appears to be cost effective and improve patients’ quality of life (Pugh et al. 2001). An example of using case management for patients with congestive heart failure is described in an article by Riegel et al. (2002). The study aimed to determine if a standardized telephonic case-management intervention had any effect on reducing the number of resources utilized by patients (Riegel et al. 2002). Participants in the study received standardized calls from a case manager on a regular basis over the six months of the study. Results of this study indicated that the phone call s did significantly decrease the resources required by patients (Id.). The telephonic case-management intervention also resulted in significantly lower costs for patient care. Basically, the study results found that the telephonic case management resulted in significant decreases in physician office visits, hospital days, emergency department visits, and rates of rehospitalization (Id.). Interestingly, the study also found that some of the telephonic case management interventions were more effective than others. However, it is not clear which factors of the intervention actually influence the effectiveness of the results and further research is needed in this area (Id.). Other studies assessing the effectiveness of case management in patients with congestive heart failure also found that case management intervention was beneficial to the patients (Laramee, Levinsky, Sargent, Ross & Callas 2003; Pugh et al. 2001). In fact, nearly all of the research on the subject of using case manag ement strategies with congestive heart failure patients found the intervention could be linked to decreased hospital readmission, cost savings and improved functional health status (Laramee et al. 2003). Another population which can benefit from case management intervention is the population of older people living in the community (Bergen 1992; Bernabei et al. 1998). Existing literature on the subject seems to indicate that integrated community care that includes case management strategies has positive effects on the elderly population that is living in the community (Bernabei et al. 1998).In fact, Bernabei et al. (1998) found the intervention led to reduced risk of hospitalization and reduced length of stay in the hospital or nursing home, less physical decline among patients, and reduced health care costs. Case management strategies have also been beneficial to elderly diabetic patients, especially those living alone (Huang, Wu, Jeng & Lin 2004). Elderly diabetes patients that liv e alone face a number of challenges and often cannot perform self-care independently (Huang et al. 2004). Through home-based case management intervention patients can be educated in diabetes self-management (Funnell et al. 2007). Results of the study indicated that a home-based nursing case management strategy improved quality of life for elderly diabetics living alone, although much more research is needed so that more strategies may be developed to treat these populations in our society Case
Monday, September 23, 2019
Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Hamlet by William Shakespeare - Essay Example There stand many conflicting theories and ideas on this subject, and this paper aims at analyzing the theme of revenge, in relation to sanity, the impossibility of certainty, the complexity of action and a brief analysis of the play. In the initial Act, Hamlet appears to be in a flawlessly sane state of mind in all the five scenes. In the second scene, the audience starts to see his character change. Polonius meets with Ophelia and reminiscences the meeting she previously had with Hamlet. Ophelia tells her father that indeed Hamlet came to her messy and in a traumatized state of mind, talking of "horror†. Her father instantly believes that he is actually "Mad for thy love?" (Act 2 Scene 2). Ophelia answers a question postured by Polonius which she replied that had told Hamlet that Polonius could not communicate or see with him any further. Her father refers to Hamlet madness once again by announcing that what his daughter uttered, "... hath made him ( Hamlet) insane." (Act 2 Scene 2). The argument of if Hamlet is mad because of his affection for Ophelia remains often argued, but a more complex and confusing situation is the brawl within the mind of Hamlet. His personal struggle gets shown to the audience in the first scene of the 3rd act. In this first scene, Hamlet recites his eminent "being or not being- that are the query:" (Act 3 Scene 1) speech. Here, the audience truly apprehends that Hamlet is uncertain two means in his life. Being or not being essentially is Hamlet assessment on whether he ought to toil the efforts of living in such harsh world and contest to avenge the murder of his father or commit suicide. Hamlet remains muddled as to whether he have to avenge the death of his father when he, as Sigmund Freud "Oedipus Rex Complex" proposes, wished to kill his father to catch all the attention of his mother. However, in the hind of the mind Hamlet, which keeps him in continuous turmoil, remains his faithfulness to his f amily and furthermore, his father (Shakespeare 67). Hamlet, in scene two of act four, meets with Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, and he appears to be breaking into madness. Hamlet had just murdered Polonius, and his friends were inquiring him on where he located the body of the deceased man. The odd thing about this scene remains that Hamlet appears to play with Guildenstern and Rosencrantz and does not offer them a straight riposte. Hamlet has practically malformed into a different individual and does not seem to be wholly sane (Cantor 44). Since Hamlet doubts the existence of Ghost's revelation, he chooses to put on the behavior of being insane; in the process he actually drives Ophelia mad, initiating her death. Sometimes it also appears that Hamlet's madness appearance become a reality. Next is another condition that cannot be totally elucidated: the condition being Hamlet's delays in revenging the death of his father. The first thing that Hamlet discovers is the death of his fath er in scene five of the scene one, where he trails the ghost. Hamlet eventually hears from this ghost, that he (ghost) is the soul of his father and that he got killed by Claudius. All this took place at the onset of the play and Hamlet waits until the play end to avenge for his father. Then again there stands different perspectives as to if Hamlet waited till the end to actually have revenge. Within the play there remain many insinuations that Hamlet tormented Claudius all the way up till he killed the king and the father of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Marley is warning Scrooge Essay Example for Free
Marley is warning Scrooge Essay Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol in October 1843. It was the voice of the poor in London at that period. There was a great divide between the classes, Dickens wrote a Christmas Carol so that his readers could learn about the class divide and the suffering of the poor in London; Dickens shows the contrast very well in A Christmas Carol. Dickens came from a family who experienced debt. Charles younger years where evidently very hard, although he quoted that himself and his family loved Christmas and celebrated it with a smile, even thought he family lived on a low wage. When Dickens started to write A Christmas Carol he often walked the streets of London gathering ideas and looking at the poor people living in their slums. There is no doubt that Dickens life encouraged him to write A Christmas Carol, his father was thrown in prison for being in debt and Charles had to work at a boot blackening factory on the banks of the Thames. In A Christmas Carol we meet Scrooge a tight fisted and very rich man, who lived life on as little as possible so not to waste his well earned money. In a Christmas carol he is a caricature the worst possible person anyone could have met. Dickens lists negatives in the story to display the kind of man he is; Scrooge was a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner Dickens also uses similes to describe him through out the book, it begins on a simile as dead as a door nail this is a clichi d simile a simile that is constantly used in common vocabulary. Dickens used a clichi because the poor and uneducated would have recognised and enjoyed his language, and the wealthy would realize the unarguable nature of the fact. He also uses then to describe Scrooge he was as solitary as an oyster he refuses to speak with anyone long terms at the start of the book, Dickens writes that even blind mans dogs even hide form him, backing up that scrooge was a caricature. Scrooge plays the part of the upper classes in London, not noticing the divide in society. The upper classes believed that the poor where too lazy to work. Therefore the Victorians created workhouses a place where the poor worked for a bed and food for them self and their families. These places were help slightly by the work of the philanthropists. Scrooge also does not like philanthropists people who want to collect money to help the poor are there no prisons? asked Scrooge. The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then? said Scrooge. Both very busy, sir. This show that Scrooge considers money over human welfare, and that he does not want to learn about the plight of the poor; this reflects the views of many wealthy businessmen of the day. Im very glad to hear it answers Scrooge to help the philanthropists regarding the workhouse. Many cant go there; and many would rather die. This depicts the truly callous side to the class division. If they would rather die, said Scrooge, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. The poor law was the only way of collecting money for the poor, and this tax was so very little that it hardly helped any of the poor or needy. The first ghost Scrooge is haunted by is that of his old business partner Jacob Marley. He warns of three other ghosts that will haunt Scrooge in the coming night. Jacob and Scrooge ran the business of loan agents their aim was to target the poor people of London lending them large amounts of money, money these people could ill afford and when the deadline came to pay him back; and may couldnt they where thrown into prison and their belongings sold. Marley wore chains I wear the chain I forged in life, said Marley I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Marley wore the chains because of every bad thing he did in his lifetime another link was added to the chain. This shows us that Marley was not a kind person. Is its pattern strange to you? The ghost questions Scrooge. Marley is warning Scrooge that when he dies he shall have a chain of his own due to all his bad deeds. Marley states that making money was his business mankind was my business At one oclock, the ghost appears, the features of the ghost were ever changing an old man a young child. This portrays the two ages that would suffer the most at Christmas time; it also shows the in fluctuation between past Scrooges youth and the present -Scrooge nowadays.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Impact of new innovations and rise of information administration Essay Example for Free
Impact of new innovations and rise of information administration Essay In 3 to 5 years time, operations test and dangers which incorporate globalization of business sectors, social duty, the impact of new innovations and rise of information administration will immensely affect Penang Mutiara. Since larger part of the incomes in accommodation will be produced from the Web. By 2006, the Web will contribute more than 24% of all in appointments which will be immediate to-purchaser (i.e. by means of inn possessed sites). To conquer the dangers, Wernie can improve the innovation technique, remain in front of his rivals and catch new piece of the pie with a viable Direct Online Conveyance Methodology with the upsides of having direct online circulation cuts costs, pulls in well-to-do clients and reduces the reliance on online discounters and more customary and costly channels. It will likewise give the lodging long haul upper hands and decrease their reliance on mediators, discounters and customary channels that are going to wind up plainly old. Wernie can likewise utilize all Immediate Channel procedures, for example, email and pay-per-click advertising, interface creation, least value assurance, reliability and maintenance projects, and put stock in working to energize, allure, and change overlookers into bookers on his site. Different measures likewise incorporates: re-assess his introduction in the Backhanded Online Conveyance Channel to maintain a strategic distance from brand and value disintegration with long haul negative repercussions ; confinement of presentation in the Aberrant Channel to just a chose number of lodging friendlier middle people ; establish a complete Aggregate Online Circulation Procedure, which transforms the direct-to-purchaser dissemination show into the principle center of his Web system and advances the Immediate versus Roundabout Channel adjust for the inn ; subscribe aggressive insight to enable him to help him to distinguish lodging estimating and situating on major aberrant channels all through the Web, and guarantee he keep up control of valuing with situating without having to fundamentally coordinate lower focused rates. He can likewise embrace facilitate methodologies, for example, Site Advancement Technique, complete Goal Web Procedure, play out a powerful Web crawler System and cooperate with an accomplished business neighborliness consultancy to enable him to explore the Web and use the Direct Online Dispersion Channel to its fullest potential at the sensible cost, with fast turnaround. Over the long haul, Wernie should investigate expansion and grow comprehensively, strip non-center properties, target new source markets, for example, Southeast Asia, China, and India. As a major aspect of human asset administration, Wernie ought to energize two route interchanges between higher administration and staff. Investment by all levels of staff ought to be urged to give criticism and proposals to ad lib operations and administrations since they are the general population who have the most contact and are in coordinate contact with the clients. They are the ones who know clients requests and can get quick criticism and significant reactions which are essential for consistent change. While executing operation changes, Wernie must have the capacity to manage social changes and changes in the mentality of the staff so as to prevail in any minor or major rebuilding of operations administration of the lodging As a component of its long-haul technique, Wernie can receive execution administration to accomplish long haul, key cost diminishment. Besides, Add up to quality administration, which is worried about the persistent change of all parts of operations execution, can likewise be received to consistently meet and surpass anticipating desires of clients. To finish up, accomplishing upper hand through accomplishing honors by winning a few esteemed global honors over the long haul can likewise improve the inn name to acquire stable incomes and benefits.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Peter Principle in Human Resources Management
Peter Principle in Human Resources Management Peter Principle can be defined in these words such as; Peter Principle is a well-known principle in Human Resources Management according to that in a hierarchy people tend to rise to their level of incompetence (citation). Accordingly when employee is promoted to higher rank, he or she inclines to become less competent because competence of an employee in one rank does not ensure his or her competence in another higher one. This principle was presented by the professor Dr. Laurence J. Peter and also named after him, who formulated this observation in his book The Peter Principle. Overview In a Hierarchy, Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence (citation) is the main core of the Peter Principle that was popularized by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their book, which is actually seems an amusing piece of writing. In their book they also introduced one more concept of salutary science of Hierarchiology, unintentionally established by Peter. This concept illustrates that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their level of incompetence), and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions (citation). The concept of Hierarchiology is theoretically authentic. According to this concept Peter explains that every rank in a Hierarchy is inclined to be occupied by an incompetent employee who is not capable to effectively perform his duties, he also said, the work is done by those people who have not yet touched the height of their incompetence. What does incompetence mean is a question to be identified? To describe incompetence it is considered that an incompetent is an individual who is delineated by his oversight. This description requires explanation, though every person can commit occasional mistakes or wrong decision or fail in assessment but this is not incompetence. It turns into incompetence when failure becomes the habit and the person is attributed by this habit whether it would be the sub-standard performance in dozens of projects, or ones individual catastrophe that demolish ones popularity. Each instance, when others start attributing one with these characteristics, he would be regarded an incompetent person. Moreover, if people start defining someone by his mistakes, then he would be definitely an incompetent one. According to the one research conducted by a professor and psychologist Justin Kruger, Nobody is incompetent in everything. This defines that no one can rise to the standard of competence without being adapt at any number of basic skills as the most of people are not incompetent at a huge number of things. Contrary to this as no one is incompetent at everything likely no one is apt at everything and consequently according to the Peter Principle majority of the people will finish up in ranks for which we are not congenitally proficient. . As HR consultant Bill Catlette comments, All of us, at some things, at some point in our lives, are incompetent maybe at work, maybe at home (citation). It does not matter if this characterization is based upon peoples observation to define him actually an incompetent person, thus incompetence is defined as the inability of ones to do the job. This is not necessary that the exposed incompetence of an employee would be a result of the high ranking job promotion that would be more demanding. Despite that job is not the same as the previous one; the higher rank would demand the higher work skills which may not be possessed by the employee. For instance, an employee of the factory is competent and excellent in his job and it can cause promotion to the rank of manager, but at this point the skills and excellence that caused his promotion would not be applied to this new rank. A question arises here that are the incompetent employees aware of their incompetence? Certainly this incompetence is not only due to the modern workplace. However, the principle provides that in the hierarchy, promotions change proficient employees into incompetent superiors. Furthermore, incompetence begets incompetence (citation), Superiors who have poor judgment skill hand give assignments in the wrong hands, entrust sensitive objectives to them who can not effectively achieve those targets. Regardless of the growing popularity of the personality evaluation at workplace as mentioned above organizations keep hiring the incapable people in jobs. Consider all the cases about interacting with bosses who were not humane, at any stage, promoted to some higher rank as some individuals are not good material for being good managers, no concern how much they are qualified and conducting daylong seminars. The Peter Principle is a humoristic treatise which describes the drawbacks of the hierarchic administration. According to the actual statement of the principle in an administration hierarchically systemized, people tend to be promoted up to their level of incompetence. The Peter Principle provides with the observation that in an organization new employees are usually hired in the lower jobs but gradually when they prove themselves to be competent in the job in which they are primarily hired, they get elevated to a higher job. This system of ascending to the height of hierarchy can persistently continue till the time employee gets the rank where the employee is no longer competent (citation). At one point this process naturally ends, since the established principles of the organization make it difficult to reduce someone in rank, even though that person be adapt and much comfortable in previous lower rank. Consequently, it is apparent that most of the elevated ranks of the hierarchical structure are appointed by incompetent employees, on the basis of their previous work because they were quite better in doing different jobs than the one they are appointed. The generalization of the Peter Principle in not much distrustful in its insinuation, since evolution does not have the hierarchical inertia that promotes and sustains people in an inappropriate rank. But there will certainly remain the systems, which would be confronted by evolutionary problems, will rapidly fix the easy one, but incline to get stuck in serious problems. The more adaptive, fit, competent system is that, the more rapidly it will fix all the easy issues instead finally get stuck in all the complex issues. However, getting stuck in complex issues does not mean being unfit, it only describes that it has just touched the heights of its competence, and had great problem in advancing further. This also explains man, being most adaptive and complicated creatures, is still struggling for survival in its niches as much vigorously as is the most primitive organism, like bacteria. If any creature would have the ability to resolve its evolutionary problems in a whole then the Re d Queen Principle would ensure that new and comparatively harder problems would arise, therefore a creature would keep on struggle to balance on the edges of its sphere of incompetence. In a nutshell, it can be concluded, the generalization of Peter Principle presents that in evolution systems tend to reach the point of their adaptive competence. This concept is quite disturbing as according to the Peter Principle since every one tends to rise to his level of incompetence. This concept is usually overlooked by most senior managers since to confess it is to confess that they may also be at their own level of incompetence. Consequently the end result is that static organizations are most probable to have incompetent employees at many different levels in the organizational structure. Whereas in growing organization, new positions and employees are added fast enough that the consequences of the Peter Principle, which are expected unavoidable, are behind as long as the organization is continuously growing. Probably it requires some explanation regarding this concept such as if an organization imply this concept then how does an organization survive? What is observable is the work in this organization is being done by people who have not reached the level of their incompetence. Doctor Peter provides its explanation in the words that in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties (citation). In organizations when someone is perceived as incompetent one, he is promoted up, or to make vacancy for a competent employee. The new person replacing the incompetent one would not be at his level of incompetence and would be able to serve better as he is expected to do. The implication of this Principle, in my opinion, is not right. It is considerable that mentorship would discontinue the Peter Principle such as more training in new enhanced positions could bring positive results. According to the Peter Principle, appointing a new employee who can perform well would increase total productivity of the organization. This can be true but what should be done with the all people who reached the level of their incompetence? I find it morally and financially more appropriate to utilize the existing resources. Through providing enhanced relevant training and mentors utilization of the existing resources can be achieved well. In Peter Principle, Dr. Peter points out that people do not intend to be incompetent, but they are provided higher ranks that put them into their level of incompetence (citation). It is unexpected that a person knows that incompetence would happen ahead of time. Nevertheless, an offer is made to that employee because the management knows that this employee can execute this job better but such managers too are at their level of incompetence therefore they are making such poor decisions.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Macbeth -schizophrenia In Macbeth :: essays research papers
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both show signs of what would today be diagnosed as symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as "a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought, and conduct." There are three major symptoms of the disorder; not being able to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality, incoherent conversations, and withdrawal physically and emotionally. The most common and most well known symptom of schizophrenia is when people cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not. Schizophrenics often suffer from delusions and hallucinations. A delusion is a false belief or idea and a hallucination is seeing, hearing, or sensing something that is not really there. Some people diagnosed with the illness may speak with disjointed co nversations. They often utter vague statements that are strung together in an incoherent way. Lastly, some schizophrenics withdraw emotionally, for example, their outlook on life is deadened and they show little or no warmth, and also physically, such as their movements become jerky and robot-like. What causes people to become schizophrenic? One possibility, in Macbeth and his wife’s case is guilt. Macbeth, in trying to become king, kills some people he knew very well and was loyal to at one time. He really did not want to have to Banquo, but he felt he had to so that he could become king. He said to his wife, "We will proceed no further in this business: He hath honored me of late." (I.7.31-32) Lady Macbeth feels guilty, too. For example, after she smeared the King’s blood on one of the drunken attendants to frame him, she says, "My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white." (II.2.63-64) Their conscience could be condemning them so loudly that it drove them crazy, literally. Or, another cause of their schizophrenia could be their passion. They strove so hard to make Macbeth king that they became totally obsessed with it. It became all they thought about and their whole being revolved around it. When Lady Macbeth finds that Macbeth has been prophesized to be king, she does not believe he is capable of fulfilling the prophecy alone. So, she says to herself, " Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valor of my tongue which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crowned withal.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Harry Potter Essay example -- essays research papers
Running Head: Concepts of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone      Within the story of Harry Potter there are many concepts to be noted. This book is interesting and very different from any other book. These many concepts will tell you about some of these strange things that goes on.      Shortly after Harry was born a villain called Voldermont killed his parents. Somehow Harry did not die from Voldermont, but not only did he live, he almost killed this great dart magician. As the only survivor, a giant called Hagrid took him to his Aunt and Uncle Dursleys house and left them on the doorstep with a note. Ever since that day, he has been living in a blended family. That is a family whose members were once part of another.      Throughout this book there are some examples of discrimination between people. Since his Aunt Petunias sister was a muggle (wizard) her and her sister didn’t get along at all because her sister got all of the attention from her parents. Then when Harry comes along both her, and her husband become very discriminate against Harry because they know he is one also.      When Harry was living with the Dursleys they were his agents of socialization. They influenced his self-concept. Harry never thought he was anyone famous because his Aunt and Uncle never gave him attention or barely even talked to him, for Harrys birthday they gave him a pair of his Uncles’ used socks, they made him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs and the gave him their sons old used clothes.      Living with the Dursleys had to be one of the worst things he has ever had to go through. His Aunt and Uncle basically alienate him from everybody. He had a sense of not belonging. Like when the letters kept coming in from Hogwarts, they wouldn’t let Harry read the letters. Also when it was his cousin, Dudlys birthday they tried to get rid of him for the day because they didn’t like him. Harry ended up going with them that day and had one of the best days of his life because he actually got to go somewhere for once.      Muggles and mortals both have their own nonmaterial culture. That is both groups have their own way of thinking. Most mortals don’t like muggles, like the Dursleys that is the reason they don’t li... ..., and people who are half muggle and half mortal. This is a very pluralistic society      At Hogwarts Harry has a whole group of friendships. This group dynamic influences Harry’s decisions. This is the way in which an individual affects a group. At the end when Harry and two others are playing chess to get through to another door, his friend makes the decision to sacrifice himself so the rest of the group can go on.      In the end of the book Harry finally proved himself to everyone and achieved a status in his society. This is the position you earned or accomplished that involved effort. He did earn this position by his effort to accomplish his goals. He became a hero all over again by saving the sorcerer’s stone and getting rid of Voldermont again.      Over all the book was very good. The concepts went right along with what was in the book. This was a very interesting, and fun book to read. References      Henslin, J.M. (2002). Essentials of Sociology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.      Rowling, J.K. (1997). Harry Potter. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Cox container case Essay
Problem Identification: There are quite a good number of problems in the case of CCC, among of which one can define, are the following: 1- Job security for the ethnic minorities who run the workshop for years, while being empowered in the age of Harold Cox, they felt threatened by the introduction of the new management system, that was reflected by the defensive attitude of Aziz and his lack of cooperation which also can be the reaction of being marginalized by Wilson while conducting the company review. 2- Lack of managerial training, which was reflected on how Aziz perceives his job as a shop floor manager whose first and utmost concern, is to deliver production no matter what the outside environment is. 3- Market introduction of new competitors, which dictates the need of full review of the operations, budgeting, supply chain and labor competency. Hence introducing more bureaucracy to the current system and might limit the power of Aziz and his team. 4- The centralization and individuality of Harold Cox in running the company helped the creation of a divisionalized structure and culture as well as developing a high degree of autonomy in the production department and a shallow hierarchy especially in the financial and management accounting area. Analysis: The main reason why Cox asked Wilson to conduct a company review is to get the company moving forward, such an act could have been shared with department managers, despite Wilson’s conclusions, strategies must be compromises that allow the company to move forward (Johnson, 1992). Johnson also argued that Strategic drift takes many years to affect performance, which validates the happening of the falling results of CCC, such a performance made Cox ask Wilson to conduct the review. The resistance to change that Aziz showed can be explained via the framework of Herzberg (1987) at which he argued that job security, as part of the hygiene factors can be a source of job satisfaction and motivation. Despite belittling the effect of hygiene factors on the subject, he did not address such an issue â€Å"job security†on a minority member. Such a factor can be more important than others whether intrinsic or extrinsic since minority members would possess the feeling of fear of losing their jobs and being expelled by the society and not finding another job. Adding the job status of Aziz would add further complexities to the situation as well. The introduction of budgeting and operation optimization without consulting the shop floor manager while he represents the core business of the company could have affected his motivation. These new systems would influence the type of the work that can be done in the shop floor greatly and would change Aziz from a decision maker in his part with all the autonomy and credibility he has to just a regular employee that manages what the new system dictates. Such change would affect Aziz’s motivation to contribute to the new system as discussed by Leavitt (2007). Leavitt argues that the increased bureaucracy and the rigid system turns employees into machines performing the work without thinking, and that would be against the human nature that tends to think and innovate. He also argues that the introduction of IT systems and technologies would be harmful to humans in the work place especially if companies abuse them. He however managed to argue the point from the employee point of view without mentioning the companies perspective at which standardization and new technologies raises the efficiency and performance of the companies and can allocate resources to new departments or new functions. If Aziz were opting the same perspective as  without having the picture cleared that this new system (budgeting and operations review) would benefit him as well as the company, he would tend to resist that change. In the framework of Herzberg (1987), job participation is one of the important myths to job or task enrichment. He emphasizes that giving the employees the big picture and giving them a feeling that they will determine in some measure what they will do in the job; would not be beneficial to the job. Wilson, Straw, Long and Pedder managed to do exactly this part. It would be against Aziz’s benefit if he would resist correcting the situation of the company. He would seem wrong and would hurt himself and his career in CCC if he was explained the current situation and the competitive market condition and how is that affecting CCC and what are the measures needed in the next few weeks / years to correct the competitiveness of CCC. Aziz should have been offered the chance to contribute to the budgeting and even could have been appointed a task in suggesting the best production and budgeting scheme that would save the company time and money. Bassett-Jones & Lloyed (2005) negated the approach of Herzberg and emphasized on the importance of employee’s contribution to the job in order to grant satisfaction. By seeing their ideas being implemented without delays and with the approval of the manager that this idea will contribute to the best of the company, the employee will have a sense of ownership and commitment towards making the idea work. Ford, Ford, & D’Amelio (2008) stated that the resistance to change can be the cause of the management’s actions themselves as they fail to develop trust. They failed to argue that in some cases, the employee(s) have their own agenda and they (employees) are the ones to trigger the resistance. The centralization of the decision making in CCC allowed the formation of a divisional company organization where Aziz’s team form the major part of it. Having this high autonomy formed a specific organization culture perhaps that Aziz is indispensible and hence he is in control. Such a culture would cause Aziz to be reluctant to accept changes specially after CCC lost some of its competitiveness in the market for few years and yet no complain from Cox and/or the management. Meyers & Martin (1987) suggest that as the organization structure form the organization’s culture and beliefs, so does the leaders of the company. It can be noticed that Cox influenced the idea that the minorities in his company are indispensible, since they support him politically and socially because of their existence in CCC. It can also be noticed that Cox did the interactions with Aziz and the production team on a personal level and hence when changes were mandatory, Aziz opposed it because it did not come from Cox himself and such resistance will not be punished by Cox. It also can be noticed the degree of autonomy in the company when the budgeting scheme is needed, each manager submitted an estimate of expenditure not the actual amount spent the year before or the required budget needed based on the previous year expenditure and the business forecast for next year. The shallow pyramid of hierarchy especially in the management accounting and financial can explain such autonomy. The creation of the subgroup and hence the subculture allowed the lobbying in the production department to happen and to resist any change as long as it is not in their direct favor. Such collectiveness behavior was developed by the centralization of decision making by Cox and the high degree of autonomy he allowed for such a group. In his study, Polzer (2004) has concluded that subgroups and subcultures in organizations tend to have harmful effect on collective welfare that extends beyond the boundaries of this individualistic subgroup. In CCC case, if the production department’s employees feel threatened; they can trigger actions to stop that threat, such as calling for a strike or threating to collectively resign and hence hurt the company by stopping the production. They are well aware that hiring such a large number of employees in a short time will be deemed impossible especially with all the experience they have. Even if the job has high degree of analyzability and does not require specialists to perform it. Moreover, collective resignation would hurt the image of the company and would cause business to be lost to competition even if it is on a temporarily basis. Perhaps what triggered that defensive mechanism with this subgroup is the introduction of the outsiders even if they were completely in a different department. As proposed by Johnson (1992), introducing outsiders can help in managing the change since the outsider shall have a fresh view of the organization or the department that is undergoing the change. However, he did not mention how that would affect the change recipients themselves and how far would they accept the outsider. He also did not identify if the outsider came from inside the organization (i.e. internal transfer) or from outside the organization and what difference would that make. Alternatives: So, what would CCC management do to resolve the current situation? 1. Do Nothing. The benefits of calming down the current situation and the production department are to ensure the company is kept in operation. Although margins are dropping, the company is sill profitable. However, the disadvantages of this situation are more than its advantages. The operation department will tend to increase its power and influence on the company since now they felt powerful and indispensible, also, they might try to find another alternative or group together and establish another competing company and resign collectively which would put the company out of business. 2. Use a sacrifition sheep: Firing Aziz and the seniors in the production department and replacing them with other seniors from inside the department can be a solution to send a clear message to the rest of the crew that the change is happening regardless of the opposition. This can benefit CCC by establishing a clear strategy that the company is moving forward with the change and personnel have to choose. However, if it backfires, the company can lose too much and we can revert back to the scenario in solution No.1. 3. Driving changes smoothly and in the welfare of the production department: There is no doubt that political consideration has a major play in such situations and it can resolve lots of issues. By calling Aziz and the seniors in the department and explaining the change to them and how would introducing new budgeting system and/or new operation schemes would benefit the company as a whole and the department specifically; they would tend to comply with that change. Asking for their assistance would be a better solution than resisting the resistance. The situation can be transformed to the benefit of CCC if the production department personnel understand the current challenge and start to challenge the status quo themselves, knowing that what will be done will be reflected on their welfare. By adopting the DICE methodology explained by Sirkin & Jackson (2005) to drive the changes as follow: I. Set the Duration of the transformation process with clear and concise milestones. Milestones keep goals tracked and in prospective, encouraging everyone to participate by some sort of recognition would help the process. II. Identify the required personnel and allocate tasks according to their capabilities and traits. That would keep the project Integrity intact and minimizes the risk of duration slippage and/or wrong interpretation of tasks and their requirements. III. Management participation and Commitment to the project as well as employees affected by the change. Management as well should demonstrate how these changes are going to change the welfare of employees and how committed they are to doing so. IV. It should be clarified that each and everyone concerned with this change process should be expected to exert an extra Effort until the transformation is completed. The manage ment should lead by example in this regard and make it clear that any extra effort exerted in this period shall be rewarded on both the long and short term. Recommendations: It is recommended to follow resolution No.3 above, since CCC is considered an SME not a corporate and since they are bound to the acceptance of the strongest department to change. Moreover, this resolution addressed the concerns discussed in the study above which mainly are the job security, motivation, job enrichment of the employees while helping in changing the company culture on the long run by getting the employees to exert extra effort and see their ideas come to live, that would develop a sense of belonging to the company which will benefit the company on the long run. Also, that approach would strengthen the concept that the company is willing to accommodate their employees and work out the changes with them for the best interest of both parties. Plan of actions: Harold Cox, Erica Wilson along with all the company seniors should demonstrate participation and ownership of the change process. It was not a good idea to leave the interaction being led by the new appointee(s) considering the company culture. The involvement of the top management whose faces are familiar with the production team would ease the effect of the change and indicate that the change are being driven from within not that the outsiders are taking over the company. Depending on the change required; the process duration should be set. Would the management desire only a cost control and lean operations concepts to be implemented or they would require production enhancements by increasing the throughput of the company? Would they procure new technology, which would require training, installation and production scheme change? Would they introduce differentiation either horizontally or vertically to the current products? The easiest change to start with is to introduce cost control and operation optimization associated with achieving the minimum efficient scale of the factory and then drives another change. Driving a major change at once would again be resisted. Mainly the production department would be affected, other departments too, such as financial and management accounting. The latters would be expected to drive the major portion of cost control through supply chain optimization. Introducing operations management department would also help enhancing the operations of the whole company and helping the company to slim the inefficient operations in all departments. It would be expected that some side effects such as additional expenses would follow as sort of rewards to the contributors in the change process to encourage the participation. Also, production lag would occur until the change process is finalized, that could be due to shop floor adjustments or personnel getting accustomed to the new change in the production process, hence, it would be a good idea if the company could produce some reserve capacity to cover this aspect. Bibliography Bassett-Jones, N., & Lloyed, G. C. (2005). Does Herzberg’s motivation theory have staying power? Journal of management development , 24 (10). Ford, J. D., Ford, L. W., & D’Amelio, A. (2008). Resistance t change: The rest of the story. The academey of management review , 33 (2), 362-377. Herzberg, F. (1987, September). One more time: How do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review . Johnson, G. (1992). Managing strategic change – strategy, culture and action. Long Range Planning , 25 (1), 28-36. Leavitt, H. J. (2007). Big organizations are unhealthy environment for human beings. Academy of management learning & education , 6 (2), 253-263. Meyers, D., & Martin, J. (1987). CULTURAL CHANGE: AN INTEGRATION OF THREE DIFFERENT VIEWS. journal of Management Studies , 24 (6), 623-647. Polzer, J. T. (2004). How Subgroup Interests and Reputations Moderate the Effect of Organizational Identification on Cooperation . Journal of Management , 30, 71-96. Sirkin, H. L., & Jackson, A. (2005, October). The hard side of change management. Harvard Business Review , 33-47.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Analysis of Feminism in Pride and Prejudice Essay
Abstractï ¼Å¡Pride and Prejudice is a marvellous novel of Jane Austen. Although in her age, women are regarded as emotional, weak, nurturing, and submissive, Austen depicts her heroine, Elizabeth as a woman who has her own perspectives, feelings, and opinions. This paper analyses feminism in Pride and Prejudice from its progressive and conservative aspects. The former is reflected from the perspective of the way of narration and depiction of Elizabeth, while the latter is illustrated when this novel is confined in patriarchal society, that is, it compromises with custom and tradition of its time. Key words: feminism, female’s narrative perspective, depiction of Elizabeth, compromise. 1. Introduction Pride and Prejudice is famous as a masterpiece of Jane Austen for centuries. Many factors contribute to the success of it. The plot is absorbing: it tells how the hero, Darcy gets rid of his pride and the heroine, Elizabeth gets over her prejudice and to know each other and how they finally get married. The writing technique is noticeable as well. Narrative perspective from Elizabeth influences readers’ judgement, which causes readers’ misunderstanding of Darcy at the beginning. The correction of Elizabeth’s understanding of Darcy’s real character in the last chapters creates one of the climaxes in this novel. Austen’s language is witty and concise, and many words are full of wisdom and humor. We can observe Austen’s feminism in Pride and Prejudice, although she may not realize it. The narration from a female’s perspective is worth mentioning. It provides us with a different world from a male’s view. Women are placed in the center of narration. In the novel, Elizabeth is outstanding among those women. She is a woman who thinks she is equal with men. However, feminism in this novel is conservative, for Austen did not go beyond social custom in her day. There is something against feminism. Women are passive and dependent on man economically. I will analyze the progressiveness and conservatism in this novel. A rough knowledge of Austen’s writing background is helpful for us to understand the analysis better. The story happens in the late eighteenth or the early nineteenth century in a British rural country which is similar to Austen’s life environment. In Austen’s day, for women did not work outside like men, their economic status is quite low. Lack of economic independence also suggests that women have to rely on men after marriage if they want to live decently. Inequality in economy leads to women’s dependence. Inequality caused by social custom also affects women’s social status. The inferior position long occupied by women in patriarchal society has been culturally, not biologically, produced. (Hornsby, 257) Men were regarded as governors of society, while women as objects governed by them. Even women themselves did not think they were as equal as men. They accepted it as a truth that men were innately superior to them. However, in Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth is against this traditional view. She has much confidence on her intelligence and judgment and at the time she is against tradition to some extent. Elizabeth’s distinction is a statement of Austen’s awakening of feminism. This paper appreciates the female’s perspective of narration in Pride and Prejudice and the way that Austen depicts Elizabeth as a woman who has similar viewpoint with feminists. Meanwhile, this paper notices that the novel has its limitation in terms of feminism. This paper analyses feminism in Pride and Prejudice from its progressive and conservative aspects 2. Progress in Terms of Feminism 2.1 The Female’s Narrative Perspective Special viewpoint is important to convey the idea and life experience of the narrator and even the writer. (Min Jie, 65) In traditional novels, the narrators are almost males, and male characters are usually in the center of narration. Then it is not strange that men’s thoughts and experience are talked about but those of women are neglected. In a man’s narration, females are objects of observation; they are passive and have no discursive power. (Cheshire, 158) The image of females is simplified and polarized. There are only two kinds of girls: good girls or bad girls. Good girl accepts her traditional gender role and obeys the patriarchal rules, while bad girl is the opposite. (Tyson, 38) The well-rounded character of females in real life does not get much attention. The image of women is materialized, partly out of men’s imagination. They build the image according to their expectation, taking for granted women’s real feelings. Therefore, women’s feelings are not hearkened and their feelings not perceived. This is a kind of neglect and even more discrimination. Fortunately Austen made a bold try in the men-governed novel world. Virginia Wolf once said that men and women’s concerns are significantly different. (Min Jie, 25) They understand things differently. Something that is trivial in men’s eyes is probably very important in women’s eyes. Austen transformed the narrative perspective from male-centred to female-centred, emphasizing the consciousn ess of female subjectivity. She shows to readers how females react to the world. The story goes not with the affairs around the males, but with females’ life experience and feelings. Women are given discursive power, which is a rare case in traditional novels. Austen made great efforts to change the rules in patriarchy. In this novel, Austen purposely limits her privilege of narration. In the first ten chapters, the novel has an omniscient narrator who takes care of all the things and people. It shows basic background information to readers. As the story goes on, we get interested in Elizabeth and therefore the view begins to be concentrated on her naturally. She becomes the heroine and the whole narration is confined to her world. What she sees and hears is the only way for us to obtain information. Her attitudes and thoughts inevitably influence our judgment. In other words, females that are narrated and controlled in traditional novels are endowed the discursive power. They have the right to talk about their opinions and make judgment. In the Bible, God takes out a rib from Adam to create Eve. This archetype all the time underlies the domination and superiority of males. In contrast, females are repressed and even they themselves could not see their identity clearly. They are as daughters, wives and mothers. In short, they live for men. Nevertheless, in Pride and Prejudice, men are observed and judged. They become the â€Å"other†, which Simone de Beauvoir called women. Austen’s description of males also impacts on the authority of patriarchy. Elizabeth points out Darcy’s pride and after self-reflection, he corrects it. He gets improved with the help of Elizabeth. To some extent, Elizabeth plays the role of his tutor. (Zhang zhisong, 12) This is quite unusual in traditional novels. Austen changes the fact that males are placed above females. In Pride and Prejudice, females become the subjects of narration and men are learned. The discursive power mastered by men is now shared by women as well. Austen deconstructed the male-centred narration and helped eliminate the discrimination against women in writing tradition. In the novel, the narration from a female’ viewpoint is a challenge to the authority of patriarchy. Meanwhile, Austen made a big step in the history of female literature. 2.2 Depiction of Elizabeth Austen’s feminism is mainly embodied in her depiction of Elizabeth. Different from traditional women, Elizabeth is no longer someone to please males, nor one to obey patriarchy. She is confident and independent and charming in personality. Austen starts to mould Elizabeth from the view that women are born equal with men in intelligence. This view reflects the confidence Austen has on women. She had a new view of women, which is shown in the description of Elizabeth’s character from different aspects. In Jane Austen’s day, an accomplished woman must have a general knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and modern languages. Besides, she must pay attention to her manners, dress and expressions. (Cai Lanlan, 85) Girls are educated in this way not for their sake or to cultivate their minds. However, the accomplishments are to attract a good husband, especially a wealthy one. Girls practice these skills to acquire a key to open the door of a happy marriage. Once they get married, these accomplishments are usually abandoned. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is quite different from traditional women. She does not learn the accomplishments tradition and society encourage girls to acquire. She is elegant in a special way. She prefers extensive reading to cultivate her mind. She admits frankly that she does not sing or play the piano well. She does not think it is a shame, either. Her rebellion against traditional accomplishments shows that she is conscious of the identity of females. She rejects to be the tool to please males. She prefers pursuing spiritual fulfilment. She would like to be a fully developed person whose mind is really educated, rather than just someone’s wife. Austen does not approve women’s absolute obedience. She rebels against it when necessary. Elizabeth is special for she is bold enough to challenge the feudal ethics. To ensure the health of her sister, Jane at Netherfield, Elizabeth walks three miles in a bad day by herself regardless of her mother’s opposition. â€Å"With weary ankles, dirty stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise†, (Austen, 31) she entered Netherfield, leaving the Bingley sisters despise her successfully. She does not care about her indecent dress, or Bingley sisters’ contempt. From that point, we can see Elizabeth’s detachment from traditional shackles. Elizabeth does not feel humble when encountered with people who are in higher position. She is courageous to refute unjustified reproaches to her as well. To some unreasonable requirements, she can respond forcefully. In Austen’s eyes, Elizabeth is the embodiment of self-esteem and courage. When Lady Catherine forces her to promise that she would refuse Darcy if he asked her to marry him, she refutes that she will pursue her happiness without reference to Lady Catherine or anyone unconnected with her. (Austen, 367) She is not threatened by someone who has higher social rank. She does not feel shy or cowardly when marriage is mentioned before her, although traditional women in her day are asked to behave in opposite. Elizabeth is intelligent and insightful. She is good at studying character and analyzing herself as well. What concerns her most is not something superficial, such as wealth or status when making judgment on others, but something in nature. She also reflects herself. It is her self-analysis that makes her notice her prejudice against Darcy and then rebuilds her knowledge about him. Elizabeth is somewhat â€Å"a studier of character†. (Austen, 88) This is quite precious for in previous novels, women are observed by others and women’s perspectives on the world are seldom mentioned. Elizabeth is independent and strong-minded, which come from her confidence. Once she defines something is right and worthy to be done, no one can change her mind. She has strong faith in her judgment, though she does not always make the right decision. This forms a contrast with Jane, who is a representative of traditional girls. She knows her own mind less than Elizabeth does. There is another example to show Elizabeth’s good will. When her younger sister, Lydia elopes with Wickham, it is Elizabeth who plays a crucial role in solving the problem, while her mother just falls in illness due to worry. Her independence makes her less influenced by others and she can behave on her own will. Her confidence leads her to deal with emergency calmly and orderly. Her attitude towards marriage is worth mentioning. She perceives that love should be an important element in marriage, which is quite important. That can be seen in her refusal of Mr. Collins’ proposal. Though she is poor and her family suggests her joint with a man who is to inherit her father’s property, (Carson, 21) she refuses to marry a man who she despises. She rejects marriage which does not include love. In her eyes, marriage is not a transaction, in which a man exchanges a wife with fortune. It seems a humiliation to her that people regard marriage as a trade. She insists that love be the foundation of marriage. That forms a contrast with her intimate friend, Charlotte, who marries Mr. Collins to get rid of possible poverty in later life. There is something else that matters in marriage for Elizabeth. She believes that marriage should also be based on equality and respect between husband and wife. Elizabeth does not accept Darcy’s first proposal for she feels his sense of her inferiority and she is annoyed by Darcy’s pride. After realizing her misjudgement on Darcy and Darcy’s change of his pride, they both become more mature and understand each other more. They help each other improve their personality. They are lovers as well as friends. Therefore, not only love but also esteem exists between them. Men and women are free to choose their spouses, but their affection should be tempered by reason and with respect. (Cai Lanlan, 19) Elizabeth has a lot of courage to pursue her happiness, which is precious in her day. Elizabeth is wise, independent, confident and strong-minded, and much feminism is reflected on her character. Austen does not mould her as a perfect figure. Elizabeth commits prejudice against Wickham and Darcy, which makes big mistakes. However, Austen means no criticism to her imperfection but a challenge to the traditional creation of heroes or heroines, who were perfect in many priory novels. Austen made a change. The imperfection on Elizabeth makes her more real and distinctive; she is even more charming due to her shortcomings. Meanwhile, this kind of writing is more valuable according to aesthetic. (Ma Wenting, 69) 3. Conservatism in Terms of Feminism Austen did make much contribution to feminism. She advocated that females should be sensible and independent. Elizabeth is a figure whose consciousness of feminism is much more advanced than that of other women in her day. However, limited by social custom and education she received, Austen was not radical as some feminists of nowadays. She was a pioneer in the field of feminism, but her consciousness was weak and conservative. Influenced by patriarchal culture, she could not escape from tradition thoroughly. She made a compromise with social custom, so there is something against feminism in this novel. In love, females are objects of being chosen. In marriage, women still depend on men in material. Only by males’ approval can females fulfil their values. This paper also explains the conservatism in terms of feminism in this novel. In patriarchy, women nearly have no rights to choose the ones they are fond of. They are not allowed to be active in love. Women are asked to show as few feelings as possible. When Elizabeth sheds her prejudice against Darcy, she falls in love with him immediately. However, instead of telling her feelings to him at once, she has to wait until Darcy makes a proposal to her again. If Darcy got offended by her refusal and never asked her to marry him again, probably Elizabeth would miss the chance. (Ji Ying, 47) Elizabeth is the best-loved figure by Austen, but she still can not get rid of the confinement from social custom. Jane pretends to be detached from Bingley’s affection due to the restraint of the rules. It is her restraint that puzzles Bingley and almost ends their relationship. All women can do is to wait for the coming of love and sometimes even accept a proposal against their will. They have no freedom to choose husbands, not mention to pursue them. In marriage, for men and women are not equal in economy, women have to rely on their husbands. At the beginning of the story, Austen mentions that a man with good fortune must need a wife. (Austen, 1) In fact, the story proves reversely that a woman if not to be raised by her parents must find a husband with much property. Elizabeth is surprised by her sensible and rational friend Charlotte’s marriage with contemptible Mr. Collins. Actually, except that Elizabeth finds someone who appreciates her and is wealthy as well, there is no point for her to be amazed by Charlotte’s choice. Elizabeth pursues independence and liberty in spirit, but after marriage, she still has to live like other women, depending on their husbands in material. Austen depicts Darcy as a wealthy man, unconsciously proving that she still thinks a man with wealth is advantaged. Austen used the archetype of Cinderella. The difference from the original one is that Cinderella in Pride and Prejudice is not fragile and the prince is not charmed only by his Cinderella’s beauty, but also by her personality. It seems to resist against the discrimination that women are just beautiful in appearance, for what concerns Austen most is the description of Elizabeth’s character. Nevertheless, women are still evaluated by men; it is men who have the right to announce how a woman is. Without the appreciation of Darcy, probably Elizabeth would stay as Cinderella forever. (Liu Xueqiong, 3) She is not able to change her status by herself. Elizabeth is witty and different from other girls, but what Austen expresses to us is that Elizabeth is worthy to get married with. Elizabeth is envied not for she is a totally independent person as a woman, but for she will be Darcy’s wife. The psychology of depending on men is rooted in contemporary custom. It was acknowledged that there was nothing wrong for w omen to be raised by men. Even though Austen found that spiritual independence was not enough for women, she was powerless to change the situation. Social system did not reach the point that Austen could not bear so that she attempted to overthrow its standards totally in her writing. Confined by social custom in her day, Austen did not catch the real meaning of equality between men and women and independence of women. Limited by contemporary social tradition, Austen gave in to it. There is something against feminism. In the novel, women are passive when dealing with love and they have to rely on men after marriage. Furthermore, they need men’s appreciation to fulfil their life. Feminism is observed in Elizabeth, but it is vague. 4. Conclusion Austen is insightful into society in which she lived. Pride and Prejudice is excellent in many aspects. Her knowledge of feminism is advanced in her day. She uses female-centred narration, which is different from traditional narration, which is male-centred. She depicts Elizabeth as a woman shining with the glory of feminism. In this novel, Elizabeth is independent, intelligent confidant and strong-minded, which does not meat men’s expectation. These factors state feminism of this novel. Meanwhile, her feminism is quite conservative. She gave way to social custom of her day. Women are passive, for they are not allowed to make decisions on their own marriages; they have to depend on men economically, which affirms their inferiority. These elements expose the conservatism of this novel. Austen challenges the rules in patriarchy but unfortunately she is confined by them as well. Above all, she as a pioneer contributes a lot to feminism, and the depiction of Elizabeth is so successful that girls of nowadays have much to learn from her.
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