Saturday, August 31, 2019
Animal Farm, Snowball Essay
He led a revolution, became a scapegoat, and was exiled from his home lane. This person was Leon Trotsky, a Russian Marxist revolutionary. In the novel Animal Farm, Trotsky came out through a pig named Snowball. Throughout the novel, Trotsky is brought up more and more through snowball. Leon Trotsky is represented through Snowball by the many life events they had in common. Snowball was chased away from the farm and became an exile by Napoleons trained dogs. In Trotsky’s life, he too became an exile from his home. He sent away and banned from returning. In addition, Napoleon claimed that all the ideas that had come from Snowball were actually all his own creations. â€Å"One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowballs tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time. Then he put on an extra spurt†¦ slipped through a hole†¦ and was seen no more†(68). This is a quote from the scene where Snowball becomes banned from the farm. After Snowball takes charge over the farm for some time, his comrade, Napoleon comes to despise him. Snowball and Napoleon never agree on anything. Napoleon did not want the animals to side with Snowball, he always argued against Snowballs ideas and was never friendly towards him. What also went on was Napoleon, showing his hatred for Snowball, examined the layouts Snowball had made for the windmill and urinated over the plans. Napoleon showed his disgust by urinating on something that was important to Snowball. â€Å"†¦looked closely at every detail of the plans†¦ then suddenly he [Napoleon] lifted his leg, urinated over the plans, and walked away†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (65). Obviously the action that Napoleon just committed shows hatred for Snowball. After Snowball was gone from the farm, he became a scapegoat for Napoleon. It was suddenly Snowballs fault that the windmill had collapsed. Napoleon needed a reason for it to have fallen, and who better to blame than Snowball, that way the animals would want revenge by building a stronger one; exactly what Napoleon wanted. In addition, it was announced that Snowball had been sneaking onto the farm to steal corn, break eggs and what not. Whatever bad thing that occurred was automatically put on Snowball by Napoleon. â€Å"Whenever anything went wrong it became usual to attribute it to Snowball†(88). With hardly ever any proof, Snowball was always the scapegoat. In conclusion, it is obvious how Snowball went through the events of Leon Trotsky’s life. From having his ideas stolen to becoming a scapegoat, he led the life of a famous revolutionary leader, though it wasn’t a very good life, he made a big impact on all of his comrades and will never be forgotten.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Final Reflection Paper
Some pointers on the final reflection paper Your final paper, the reflection paper, is a kind of a follow-up paper to the short statement that you handed in at the beginning of the course. To that extent, you can write the paper holding on to the same types of questions that suggested for that first short statement. To repeat, these questions were the following: 1 . What do you think of when you think of ethics or morality? 2. Can you define the concept of ethics? 3. Does being ethical mean being happy? 4.What does being moral consist of according to you? Doing the right thing? Living a fulfilling life? 5. Can one ‘learn' to be ethical? Or, what are the sources of ethics? 6. Can you give an example of an ethical person / a moral action? And if yes, why do you consider this person/action to be a ‘good' one? However, I am not asking you at this point to simply answer these questions. What I am most interested in is a reflection on your part on what you thought of ethics/mor ality at the beginning of our class and how you think of it now.Do you have new answer to the above questions? Or, have new questions come to mind? Are the doubts you had before answered? Or are there nagging questions left? (Why morality? What can I take from the theories we studied? ). The paper thus does not have to be your final reflection on all things moral. It has to be a reflection on where you stand today with regards to where you stood at the start of class. Concretely, in terms of how the paper will be judged. A) You need to provide an informed account of your position concerning morality.Informed' means that you discuss relevant bits and pieces of the main theories and arguments we have discussed throughout our class- meetings and how they got you thinking about morality as well as how they changed your mind or left you with nagging questions. B) You need to provide well-argued claims. In other words, if you make a claim or posit a question want you to tell ‘the re ader' why your claim or question is interesting and important Are you convinced that there is no such thing as morality†¦? Well, tell me why.And let me know why that is a convincing and orient position to take! This should help you on your way. + The paper will have to be 3-4 pages long (1 h line-spacing, font 12). + For advice on how to write, turn once again to the file on philosophical writing I uploaded under Course Materials. + The paper counts for 20% to your final grade. Take the assignment seriously and challenge yourself to think for a moment about what you actually learned from those last few months spent reading and discussing ethics. Good luck and I am looking forward to read your reflections!
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business Models and Technological Innovation Management
The business model helps the company to satisfy the needs and look after the problems of the customer with respect to the product of the company. It helps the company to gain value in the market. The performance, design, price etc. are few of the characteristics that the company needs to keep in mind before launching the product in the market. The model helps to segment the market according to the customers that the company targets with the help of different channels to make the product available in the market. The cost of the product helps the company to build a relationship with the consumers that help the brand to gain access in the market (Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013). The final building block illustrates the cost of delivering the value proposition that includes the resources required as well as major activities involved. The critical components of business model have been validated. On the other hand, the purpose of partnership is to make sure that the commodities offer the appeal to the target market. Certain business models necessitate the involvement of several stakeholders in order to make sense. In today’s lecture, the process that deals with the clarification involves the major assumption that underpin business model. It is required to check every response in the building model canvas against several criteria that involves the fact that how an individual knows what he has written in each building block is correct. For example, the business model of Ryanair involves high volume passenger as compared to the business model of South American market (DaSilva & Trkman, 2014). Baden-Fuller, C., & Haefliger, S. (2013). Business models and technological innovation. Long range planning, 46(6), 419-426. DaSilva, C. M., & Trkman, P. (2014). Business model: What it is and what it is not. Long range planning, 47(6), 379-389. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
History - Assignment Example In the final section, she shocks him by saying they have never had a serious conversation in the course of their whole marriage. She also declares that she has a holy duty to herself. The very idea is shocking to her husband. 2. Read â€Å"The Voice of Zionism: Theorod Herzl and the Jewish State†and answer the following – Why did Herzl believe that Palestine was necessary for Jews? How does he seek to gain the acceptance of the Turkish sultan and the Christian nations of Europe? (see the box on pg 608) The story of the creation of Israel is a powerful one. Herzl was one of the founding thinkers on this issue. He argues in this piece that anti-semitism was such a serious problem in European countries that there was no possibility it would get better. He thought Jews should give up on Europe and seek to create a new land. He even thought European governments would help them as they would be eager to see them go. He writes that the Sultan would might be willing to give th em Palestine if they offered to help him look after the finances of his Empire. He also suggests that the Jews would create an outpost of civilization in the Middle East where everywhere else there was only barbarism. That idea might help to convince Europeans too. I.D. the following terms in paragraph format. Make sure you include ALL INFORMATION from the book: Do NOT just copy from the book. You must put these in your own words. (worth 10 points each) 1. caudillos Caudillos were military-style political leaders in Latin America in the 19th century. They were not democratic-minded and usually took power by force. They had a major impact on the development of these states and offered pursued expansionist policies. They often named themselves president for life and became dictators. Some examples were Rafael Carrera and Juan Manuel de Rosas. They secured gains made during the anti-colonial upheavals. Part of the reason they were able to take power was because none of these countries has any experience of governing themselves. 2. Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 This was an act of Congress that played a significant role in the development of the Civil War that would follow a few years later. At the time, the North and South of the Untied States were divided on the issue of slavery. Both Kansas and Nebraska were to be new states. Some people such as Stephen Douglas believed the resolution to the dispute between North and South was simply to let new states decide if they wanted to permit slavery or not. In a sense this was a naive idea, as northern abolitionists strongly opposed expanding slavery within the boundaries of the U.S under any circumstances. This issue would come to dominate the American political landscape in the years to come. 3. Emmeline Pankhurst, Christabel & Sylvia Emmeline was the leader of the British women's suffragette movement. She advocated for Women to have the right to vote. Some of her tactics were occasionally violent and she served prison s entences for them. Two of her daughters were Christabel and Sylvia, who took differing sides in the debate. Sylvia pursued an organizational movement and was more politically active. Christabel was the head of the women's movement and supported more militant action. All of these women made a major contribution to democracy when their actions contributed to the success of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Contemporary Developments in the EC Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Contemporary Developments in the EC Law - Essay Example Council Regulation Number 1612/68 of the EEC defines a migrant worker as a national of any member state of the EU who seeks employment in any other member state and it enjoins upon the member states to treat the migrant worker on par with the indigenous workers. Article 12 of the EC Treaty enjoins upon the member countries to accord facilities to the children of workers from other member countries, who are or were employed in that member country, similar to those that it does to the children of its own citizens3. Article 18(1) of the EC Treaty, bestows on every citizen of the union the right to free movement and residence within the territory of the Member States. EC Directive 2004/38 amends Regulation 1612/68 of the EEC to the effect that a citizen of the Union can reside in another Member State for three months with a valid passport or identity card. For subsequent periods, extending to five years thereafter, such residence is conditional, in as much as that such a person must be either a worker, self-employed or "have sufficient resources so as not to become a burden on the social security system of the host State and have comprehensive sickness insurance"4. Ms Jones after graduation from Sunderland University in 2005 with a Business Degree went on a European tour. While in Spain she applied for a post as an English teacher at a Financial Securities Academy. However, at the interview she discovered that she was ineligible for this post as she was not a Spanish national and since such posts had been classified as belonging to the "public service", and for which only Spanish nationals could be appointed, resulting in the ineligibility of non-nationals. Ms Jones was denied employment on the grounds that she was not Spanish National. However, Article 5 of Title I of the EU Regulation 1612/68, which has been discussed above, deals with the free circulation of workers within the European Union, directs the State employment offices have to render help to an EU foreigner seeking employment in another EU country, which is akin to that rendered to their own nationals. Article 1 of the EU Regulation 1612/68, states that any national of a Member State, shall, irrespective of her place of residence, have the right to take up an activity as an employed person, and to pursue such activity, within the territory of another Member State in accordance with the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action governing the employment of nationals of that State. She shall, in particular, have the right to take up available employment in the territory of another Member State with the same priority as nationals of that State5. According to Article 12, a Spanish Work or Residence permit, is not only available to any EU worker but also to any family member of the EU worker. All of these rights regarding the free circulation of workers within the European Union are set out in EU Regulation. Title 1 of these regulations specifically prohibits any member country from applying rules or imposing unusual conditions in respect of employment of EU foreigners. It is also prohibited to force foreigners to register with employment offices as a precondition for employment. Further, it is proscribed to raise obstacles in the hiring of EU foreign nationals who do not officially reside in that country. In practice this implies that an EU citizen
Monday, August 26, 2019
Effect of sound on oyster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Effect of sound on oyster - Essay Example sts $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $35,000 Total Direct Costs $72,498 $62,064 $64,130 $198,692 Indirect Costs (Overhead) $18,849 $16,137 $16,674 $51,660 Indirect Cost Rate (%) 26% 26% 26% 26% Total $91,347 $78,201 $80,804 $250,352 Budget justification Senior personnel and fringe benefits The PI is involved in three other projects of equal work load which implies that this particular project consumes 25% of his time. The result is that the project takes care of 25% of his annual income. A post doctoral research associate is contracted to provide services and technical advice on the growth characteristics of oyster and oyster eggs. He is expected to do an evaluation of the proceedings once every month. Since he is attached at the center, he is paid on service offered which results into twelve days in one year. The post doctoral research associate is therefore paid for twelve days as a fraction of a year depending on the annual income of the first, second and third years which are $37,000, $39 ,000 and $41,000 respectively. Two undergraduate students are required to set the experimental set ups and make necessary corrections depending on the emerging changes. They also maintain the system and ensure the preset conditions prevail (Preparing a budget: expert solutions to everyday challenges, 2009). The work of collecting and recording the information in terms of changes in mass and doing the statistical analysis is also for the two undergraduate students. This gives an annual pay of $10,500 each and translates to the annual $21,000 for both. The fringe benefits are calculated for the PI and the two undergraduate students who seem to be contracted on permanent or regular basis. The post doctoral research associate only provides his service once a month and is therefore not entitled to fringe benefits. For the PI, it is calculated as 27.5% of the salary while for the two undergraduate students, it is calculated as 7.65%. Supplies and services An amount to the tune of $20,000 is requested to take care of some of the materials such as seeds of oyster, food and special sound devices to be used in the aquarium (Ogden, & Goldberg, 2002). In the first year, the cost is estimated at $10,000 since some of the requirements are onetime costs and will only be incurred in the initial stages. The subsequent years are allocated $5,000 each for provision of the maintenance requirement for the project. The costs incurred here include all the consumables and disposable during the project (Hood & Husband, 2002). Travel For year 1, the PI requests $2,000 to take care of travel expenses as he seeks to use the ABC center for the study. The travel expense will also include collaborative travel expenses to set up and run the system for all the other participants including the undergraduate assistants and the post-doctoral research associate (Blomquist & Newey, 1999). During the second year, the cost decreases to $1,500 as there are reduced travel cost
Business management course work Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business management course work - Term Paper Example A lack of coordination takes place when teams working on the same project do not coordinate and this lack of coordination is represented both vertically and horizontally. Unclear accountability mechanism further adds fuel to the fire of depleting aggregate performance of the organization. Centralization cannot be termed as an effective way to manage organization like RIM. There is no clear marketing strategy. Section II: Statements of the Problem Research In Motion (RIM) has failed to develop and maintain a sustainable motivation, accountability and effective marketing strategy (Castaldo, 2012). The organization has grown unorganized and unmanageable; where a lack of clear-cut direction and conflicting opinions have compounded the aggregate management of the company (Castaldo, 2012). Section III Causes of the Problem Demotivation Motivation is the degree to which an employee wants and selects to carry out specific behavior (Mullins, 2009, p. 471). This specific behavior is nurtured t o obtain intended departmental and organizational goals and objectives. As motivation has both aspects in the form of intrinsic and extrinsic manifestations, the employees of RIM were not given sustainable workplace environment in which they could convert their potential into the desired results. For instance, according to a former employee, the new operational staff members were never fully empowered to carry out their jobs (Castaldo, 2012). This means the staff did not receive authority, sense of work ownership and a clear cut direction to attain a particular set of objectives. As a result, the sustainable motivation did not continue instead demotivation replaced motivation. Lack of Coordination â€Å"It was common for a few teams working on the same project to realize they were unlikely to make the date, but no one spoke up, under the belief that another team was even farther behind†(Castaldo, 2012). This statement mentions that there was no active and consistent coordinat ion between teams working even on the same project. They were on their own and they did not feel necessity to obtain information and see their progress on the project. Additionally, there was no strong check from the senior management whether the teams assigned to work and complete the same project were working in the suggested direction or the teams were facing issues related to the same project. There was a complete absence of vertical and horizontal coordination in the organization. In the absence of coordination, there would be no way to entertain department and organizational objectives. Unclear Accountability Mechanism Accountability can also be defined as the systematic inclusion of critical elements of program planning, implementation and evaluation with an aim of achieving desired results (Wandersman et al., 2000, p. 389). At RIM, nobody was accountable when a proposal or project failed to meet the expected level of performance. In the absence of any accountability mechanis m, it would be very difficult to learn from mistakes and derive certain result-oriented lessons from such steps. When accountability mechanism is not present and nobody is ready and willing to take and accept responsibility, strategic loss and strategic decline is unavoidable and it is what that is happening
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Netflix Approach to Compensation. Case Study Analysis from a Essay
The Netflix Approach to Compensation. Case Study Analysis from a managing people for competitive advantage perspective - Essay Example The Netflix employed compensation programs that enable them to retain employees. The founder of the organization, Reed Hastings discovered that compensation program is one of the significant management practices that will enable them to retain their employees. Thus, he introduced compensation programs of paying workers cash salaries. This was a significant idea behind the successful organizational performance. Thus, Hastings introduced varied compensation programs with different main components as indicated below; The Netflix compensation policy allowed employees to make their own decisions on compensation system in every year. This system allowed employees to allocate and divide their basic salary with the total compensation as they wished. For instance, an employee earning 200 000 dollars was allowed to divide the salary; thus taking some cash amount and leaving others as a remaining stock. This compensation policy offered employees opportunities for altering their allocation for every year. Therefore, by the year 2009, about 500 employees have already joined the program and non- exempt employees working in the shipping centers were too paid in cash basis per hourly manner. The company makes option grants in a monthly basis with one-twelfth of the total annual allocation, which are granted and priced in the first day of every month. For instance, an employee who earns 24,000 dollars receives a total cash of 2000 dollars in the first day of every month. The company employs the formula of calculating the monthly allocation. This is through dividing the monthly allocation with the stock price. This is through multiplying by 25 percent to get the total number of shares. The aim of using this formula is to offer employees a generous pricing of 50% discount. This will enable the expected value of employees to increase by a certain amount of value. For instance, an
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Wollstonecraft discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Wollstonecraft discussion - Essay Example This makes them as much rational beings as men are. Today, there are numerous women who do not rely on their appearance for survival. They have infiltrated professionals and careers that would have once been considered impossible for women. This has been made possible thanks to education. Although women are better empowered today than they were a few centuries ago, there is still a considerably huge percentage of the society that still regards the woman as a sex object. Unlike during Wollstonecraft’s days, education cannot be blamed for this misconception about women. Contemporary media and general socialization has more to do with it. There are those women who still consider themselves rationally inferior because the media likes to portray women that way. These women find strength in expressing themselves through their appearance. The good thing is that this kind of thinking is slowly fading as more women become involved in affairs of society. The education system is greatly helping in instilling the idea that women and men are both capable of rational though at the same
Friday, August 23, 2019
Short paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Short paper - Essay Example The basic requirements for putting on a successful sport event are covered in the first of the course lectures (Lecture 1, 2010) and begins by underlining the importance of the role of the sport event manager – the person who is in overall charge - and has the ultimate responsibility for the success, or failure of the event. As there will be many different but interlocking facets the event manager is generally assisted by sport event co-ordinators each handling a specific range of issues. Essentially the organisation of a successful event requires an accurate appreciation of the intended scope of the enterprise, ranging from minor directed towards local audiences to major [mega]events capable of attracting greater numbers and significant media coverage which target international audiences and require large public financial support. All of them have – to a greater or lesser degree – similar requirements [with differences in scale] and include the need to harness sponsorship, the support of the relevant sport agencies as well as local, national and international groups and federations. This is also handled in Lecture 2(2010) and the requirements are portrayed in an elegant interaction diagram (Lecture 2, 2010) as is the organisational chart of the International Olympic Committee, together with its interaction with host country agencies. This is important since to host an Olympic series is one of the pinnacles of sport events. Central to the event’s success are finance and sponsorship. The funding of the event can be secured through government and institutional grants, levies on associations, industrial and commercial sponsorship, rich individuals and a multitude of large and small stakeholders as well as gate receipts (Lecture 2, 2010). which were covered in the lectures namely: what was essential for ensuring success?
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ethnic group Essay Example for Free
Ethnic group Essay The general argument made by Leonard Pitts Jr., in his work, Don’t lower the bar on education standards, is that states are trying to fix education by lowering their expectations per certain group of students. More specifically, he argues that they’re creating separate and unequal performance standards for their black, white, Hispanic, Asian, and disabled children. He writes, â€Å"Florida set a goal of having 86 percent of white kids at or above grade level by 2018. For black kids, the goal is 74 percent. †In this passage, he is suggesting that schools are wrongly establishing lower education standards and are even varying the standards between races. In conclusion, Pitts’ belief is that this â€Å"reverse racism†gives kids of minorities the mistaken idea that they carry some inherent deficiency that renders them unable to compete with other kids on an equal playing field. Look more: ethnicity example essay Pitts is right, because it is wrong to lower standards to make students appear smarter. More specifically, setting different standards for different ethnic groups is also infuriating. For example, an analogy Pitts’ used was that athletic directors have noticed a decline in white kids going out for basketball. They feel like they can’t compete with the black kids. What if we addressed that by lowering the rim for white kids? This analogy displays a situation similar to that of the education standards. Overall, no one wants to know that they are inferior at something just because of their race. Therefore, in conclusion, Pitts makes a wonderful argument on why lowering these standards is wrong. Ultimately, they can’t fix education by lowering the bar. They must do it by lifting the students.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
To Kill A Mocking Bird Movie Review Essay Example for Free
To Kill A Mocking Bird Movie Review Essay The movie, â€Å"To Kill A Mocking Bird,†is the story told through the perspective of Scout Finch, an aggressive 6-year old girl, about the many cases of injustice and prejudice plaguing Maycomb, Alabama in 1932. Scout, along with his older brother Jem, and their friend Dill, are intrigued by their solitary neighbor, Boo Radley. Although there were times that Boo left presents for them outside his house, they were still unable to see him in person. Meanwhile, Atticus, Scout and Jem’s widowed father, a lawyer is designated to defend, Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman named Mayella Ewell. Although Atticus does his best to establish the innocence of Tom and to prove that his accusers Mayella and her drunken father, Bob Ewell, are lying, the jury, composed of white men and women, convicts him. Subsequently, Tom is killed while trying to escape prison. After being humiliated during the trial, Bob vowed revenge on Atticus. He attacks his defenseless children, Scout and Jem, but the two are rescued by a mysterious man who is later found out to be the reclusive Boo Radley.            Generally, the setting is highly realistic and captures the true essence of the injustice and prejudice during that time. The main casts namely, Mary Badham (Scout), Philip Alford (Jem), John Megna (Dill), Brock Peters (Tom Robinson), Gregory Peck (Atticus), and Robert Duval (Boo Radley), fleshed out their roles perfectly. Their acting, coupled with their well-designed costumes, significantly gave the movie a realistic touch.            The cinematography, done by Russell Harlan, provided great angular shots in the movie, particularly in scenes where there is suspense and action. The lighting was also well-done as it blended well with the camera shots and angles done in the movie. In short, the cinematography greatly complemented the good acting and excellent setting of the movie.            Finally, the music, which was produced by Elmer Bernstein, added further to the greatness of the movie, as it featured tracks that were very appropriate for every scene. Over-all, â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird,†was a highly memorable movie mainly driven by exceptional acting. All of its elements worked harmoniously to produce an exceptional film that is truly one for the ages.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular Character
Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular Character IDENTIFICATION AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF Aspergillus fumigatus FROM SOIL R. V. Shalini, and Dr. K. Amutha ABSTRACT: Soil was collected, serially diluted and pure culture obtained; slant was prepared in potato dextrose agar and maintained throughout the study. Morphological, microscopical and macroscopically identification were carried out on the isolated organism. DNA was isolated from the 24 hour culture, for ITS-PCR amplification. DNA was amplified by mixing the template DNA (50nm) with the polymerase reaction buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50Â µL reaction mixture. The PCR product was mixed with loading buffer (8Â µL) containing 0.025% bromophenol blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplified product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for further examination. The PCR products were finally sequenced using the help of an automated DNA sequencer at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST program provided by the National Center f or Bio-technology information (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species. The current study demonstrates that DNA genome containing 18S rRNA has a high degree of analytical sensitivity and specificity (100%) for the detection of a wide range of fungi. OBJECTIVE: To isolate, identify and characterize Aspergillus fumigatus using molecular biological methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The soil was collected from different places, pooled together allowed to be dried at room temperature. The morphology based identification of Aspergillus was done which includes the size, shape, colour, ornamentation of spore and mode of attachment. Unfortunately a lot of difficulties arose for phenotypical identification of this fungus due to its unstable characteristics. Comparatively a DNA sequence-based identification format appeared to be the most promising in terms of its speed, ease, objectivity and reliability for species identification. RESULTS: The preliminary morphology based studies showed the isolated fungi as a species of aspergillus.However after the DNA isolation followed by sequencing it was concluded that the particular species identified as Aspergillus was Aspergillus fumigatus. KEY WORDS: Aspergillus, serial dilution, DNA, Sequenced. INTRODUCTION: The presence of organic matter in the soil affects the quantity and quality of microbes in the soil. The development of micro fungi in the soil is favoured by soils having acidic reaction and aerobic condition which is likely present in the soil. However the amount of degradation in the soil is brought about by the organisms present in the soil. 1The rate at which the organic matter is decomposed is inter related with soil microbes. (Arunachalam et al., 1997). Microorganisms come in various sizes and shapes and is determined by the soil ph., temperature, available moisture, degree of aeration, availability of nutrients in the soil etc. The genus of spore forming fungi is found worldwide out of which Aspergillus is the most dominant species and is ubiquitoes.Out of that 95% is occupied by Aspergillus fumigatus. The other pathogenic forms of Aspergillus species are Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus etc. This fungi exists only in mycelial f orm, and is thermo tolerant capable of growing at temperatures between 15-53Â °c.Being a spore producing fungi the spores gets dispersed by wind in the atmosphere. 2Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common among all the airborne saprophytic fungal pathogens in immune compromised patients mostly in developed countries (Latge, 1999). It is the main pathogenic agent of various diseases caused in humans including invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (Tomee van der Werf, 2001) – the former is a frequent cause death in immune compromised patients. The possession of different virulent traits gives A. fumigatus the ability to cause these diseases. It is a known fact that other members of the genus Aspergillus are either less pathogenic or non- pathogenic. Identification of the most common and important species remains problematic due to the variability in the phenotypic characters. However a validated and a careful approach of phenotypic classification (taxonomy) together with phylogenetic treatment of DNA sequence data is a prerequisite for a reliable and a rapid identification. In our inve stigation we used the molecular techniques (sequencing) for the reliable identification rather the identification based on their microscopic and few physiological features. MATERIALS METHODS: Collection of soil samples: Soil samples were collected from different places (in and around Chengalpattu). The surface deposits were removed to a depth of about 10 cm and the exposed soil was collected to a depth of 2-3cm. The collected soil samples were stored in zip locked covers stored in refrigerator temperature for further analysis. The collected soil samples were passed through a sieve to remove the stones and other impurities. Isolation of fungi: The glass wares were sterilized in an autoclave to a temperature of 120Â °c for twenty minutes. The chemicals were of analytical grade (Himedia). The method used for the isolation of fungi from soil was serial dilution method. 1 gm of soil was weighed and mixed in 10ml of double distilled sterile water. This was used for preparing serial dilutions. 1 ml of the final dilution (10-6 ) was pipetted into the prepared potato dextrose agar media (PDA) amended with a suitable antibiotic Chloramphenicol (12mg/100ml). The plates were incubated at 30Â °c for about seven days. Fungi that appeared on petriplates were isolated. The isolates were picked up based on apparent dissimilarity of cultural characteristics and purified. The purified isolates were identified according to the genera on the basis of cultural characteristics such as nature of growth, spore colour, and pigment production, and on morphological characteristics of mycelia and fruiting bodies (Domsch etal., 1980; Raper and Fenne ll 1965) and maintained in agar slants for future use3. Isolation of DNA: Genomic DNA was extracted from 24 hour old culture. Measured 100 micro gram of mycelium into a sterile 1.5- micro centrifuge tube. Simultaneously ground 1 microgram of dried (vacuum filter mycelium first) in a mortar and pestle treated with liquid nitrogen 5-6 times. Poured the frozen powder into the Eppendorf tube. Added 660 750 Â µl of lysis buffer and 10 Â µl of B-mercaptor.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. And Incubated at 65Â °C for 1 hour. Used a water bath for incubation. Centrifuged at a speed of 3400 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out the top layer.Transfered the top aqueous layer into a fresh Eppendorf tube discarded the bottom layer. Measured out 700 Â µl of chloroform, isoamyl alcohol (24:1) into Eppendorf tube and adjusted the volume to meet a 1:1 ratio of aqueous phase.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. Centrifuged at a speed of 12000 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out 550 600 Â µl of the top layer. Transfered the top aqueous layer into Eppendorf tube and discarded the bottom layer. Added 0.1volume of 3m potassium acetate and 0.7 volume of isopropanol. Mixed well by inverting the tube not by vortexing.Centrifuged for about 10 minutes and discarded the supernatant. Added 0.5 mL of ice cold ethanol (70% and inverted the tube gently, again it was centrifuged for about 5 minutes in a spinner) finally the pellets were resuspended in 100Â µl of TE buffer (PH-8). After further purification DNA was quantified spectrophotpmetrically and the quality was analyzed in 0.9% agorose gel. Amplification of 18srRNA by PCR: For ITS-PCR amplification, DNA was amplified by mixing the template DNA (50nm) with the polymerase reaction buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50Â µL reaction mixture containing Primer (2Â µM/Â µL) 8.0Â µL 10X Buffer 5.0 Â µL 2mM dNTP Mix 5.0Â µL Taq DNA polymerase (5U/Â µL) 0.5Â µL Template DNA (50ng) 2.0Â µL Sterile distilled water 29.5Â µL Total volume 50.0Â µL PCR amplification condition: Amplification was carried out in a primus advanced gradient thermocycler. The PCR was programmed with an initial denaturing at 94Â °C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94Â °c for 30 seconds, annealing at 61Â °c for 30 seconds, and extension at 70Â °c for 2 minutes and a final extension at 72Â °c for 7 minutes. The PCR product was mixed with loading buffer (8Â µL) containing 0.025% bromophenol blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplified product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for further examination. (Sequencing) Sequencing of ITS region for identification of isolated fungi : Chosen Samples of the genomic DNA containing 18S rRNA were shortlisted for more specific species confirmation by using DNA sequencing. The sequenced PCR product was aligned with other isolate sequences from NCBI genbank for identification. The PCR products were finally sequenced using the help of an automated DNA sequencer at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST program provided by the National Center for Bio-technology information (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species. RESULTS: Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis: Analysis of the isolated Aspergillus species showed variation in the colony colours, texture, and reverse side colours (table 1 and 2). The morphological microscopic and molecular characteristics showed that the isolate is Aspergillus fumigatus (details given in table 1and 2). Morphological characters of colony (table1) Characteristics Aspergillus fumigatus Surface colour Margins Reverse side Growth Green to dark green Entire Yellow Rapid Microscopic characteristics (table2) Characteristics Aspergillus fumigatus Hyphae Branched septate Conidiophore Present Vesicle Dome shaped Conidia Present Phialides Uniseriate Fruiting body Cleistothecia Fig A1 Fig A2 Morphological characterization of Aspergillus species on potato dextrose agar A1-Aspergillus fumigatus surface colour, A2-Reverse side of the colony. DNA sequencing of ITS region for identification of species: The species of fungi from the PCR sample was identified by DNA sequencing of the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rRNA gene. Segments of the entire ITS regions, including partial 5.8S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence, 28S rRNA,partial sequence were amplified using the primer PGF04 5’-GGC ATC GGC C-3’. Amplification of the ITS region of strain Aspergillus fumigatus had a size of 1703bp. It was submitted to the NCBI and the accession number KC 119199 was received. M 1 2 Fig A3 represent the banding pattern of Aspergillus fumigatus from PCR reactions Lane M= Marker, Lane 1= Aspergillus fumigatus, lane 2=Aspergillus fumigatus. DISCUSSION: Detection of A. fumigatus is of great concern because it is a dangerous allergen associated with aspergillosis 5(Abraca et al., 1994; Schuster et al., 2002; Noonimabcet al.2009; Edwin et al., 2010; Gautam et al., 2011). This highlights the importance of correct identification and taxonomical differentiation between different species of Aspergillus. The taxonomy of Aspergillus has always been complex due to its great number of species (nearly 250), which have very few differences. The identification of different Aspergillus species, on the basis of their morphological characters (example, colony colours, and reverse side) is one of the oldest and most adopted methods. Some of the species of Aspergillus have the same morphological features which make it difficult to distinguish between them it is also a time consuming process and may not be accurate (Klich and Pitt, 1988; Samson et al., 2004)6. This shows that morphological and microscopical characters are not enough for fungal identification and it renders the need of molecular techniques for correct species identification. Molecular characterization on the other hand, is a rapid and a quick procedure which requires minimal handling of pathogens. It also helps in distinguishing morphologically, similar fungal species. Several similar studies on the application of PCR technology were used for the identification and detection of fungi, by using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were already been studied and published7 by several scientist (Henson and French, 1993; Marek et al., 2003; Haughland et al., 2004; Druzhinina etal., 2005).. Many more such studies were also carried out very recently by God et and Munaut (2010) in the differentiation of Aspergillus flavus, A.parasiticus, A.tamarii and A.nomius by PCR-RAPD markers. Similarly, Leema et al. (2010) confirmed the species A. flavus by verifying; using the molecular methods that is, by amplification of the internally transcribed spacer regions. By using the help of RAPD-PCR, 8Khan et al. (2007) studied diversity in various Aspergillus niger isolates sourc ed from pigeon pea fields .Several molecular techniques have been tested to classify different Aspergillus species like random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Yuan et al., 1995), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (Kumeda and Asao, 1996; Henry et al., 2000; Kumeda and Asao, 2001; Rigo et al., 2002) and the aflatoxin gene cluster (Chang et al., 1995; Watson et al., 1999; Tominaga et al., 2006). In this study care was taken to choose the genomic DNA containing 18sRNA specifics primers that were helpful in amplifying medically important fungi. The genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA was the right candidate for detection of fungus as it is a mutli-copy gene which evolves slowly and is conserved among fungi. The present study proves that the genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA based PCR is suitable for probing large range of medically significant fungi owing to its higher level of analytical sensitivity and specificity. CONCLUSION: In this present study we had shown that molecular techniques are rapid and best for identification of fungi than the traditional morphological methods for early diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections. The goal of our study was to identify a practical, quick, cheap, method for the identification of A. fumigatus, the most common of the Aspergillus pathogens. REFERENCES: Arunachalam K, Arunachalam A, Tripathi RS, Pandey HN. 1997 – Dynamics of microbial population during the gradation phase of a selectively logged subtropical humid forest in north east India. Tropical Ecology 38, 333–341. Sirida Youngchim,1,2 Rachael Morris-Jones,1 Roderick J. Hay3 and Andrew J. Hamilton1 Production of melanin by Aspergillus fumigatus Journal of Medical Microbiology 2004, 53, 175–181. Domsch, K.H.,Gams W. and Anderson T.H. 1980.Compendium of soil fungi, vol 1.IHW-Verlag,Eching.,Raper,K.B.andFennel,D.I.1965.The genus Aspergillus (Baltimore: Williams Wilkins). Ferrer C, Colom F, Frases S, Mulet E, Abad JL, Alio JL:Detection and identification of fungal pathogens by PCR and by ITS2 and 5.8S ribosomal DNA in eye infections. J ClinMicrobiol 2001, 39(8): 2873-2879. Abraca ML, Bragulat G, Cabanes FJ 1994. Ochratoxin A production by strains of Aspergillus flavus var. niger . Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2650-2652. Klich MA, Pitt JI 1988. Differentiation of Aspergillus flavus from Aspergillus parasiticus and other closely related species.Trans. Br.Mycol. Soc.91:99-108. Henson J, French R 1993. The polymerase chain reaction and plant disease diagnosis. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol.31:81-109. Khan MR, Anwer MA, Mohiddin FA 2007. 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Increased expression of Aspergillus parasiticus aflR, encoding a sequence specific DNA-binding protein, relieves nitrate inhibition of aflatoxin biosynthesis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:2372-2377.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Benefits of Education :: Importance of Education
Education is as important as the air we breathe. It is the most important possession a person must have. Education is beneficial in many aspect of life especially, personal and social it is the only possession that cannot be taken away from you. Education is important because it will open up the windows of opportunities. In this competitive world having a good education is as important as the air we breathe because it is our weapon to conquer the world. Education will help you grow as an individual because the more knowledge you have the better understanding you will have in any given problem that will come your way. It will give you self satisfaction and will boost your self confidence. As an individual I know it will help me in a lot of aspects in my life. It will give me a financial stability because I will be able to land a good job and a high paying salary. I will learn how to spend my money and will learn how to invest it wisely. The more education I have the more respect and acknowledgement I will get from people. Knowledge is really important that is why we need to take it seriously. It is the strong weapon you can have to conquer this complex world. If you have a good education nobody can fool you and you will not tolerate any mistreatment from people. It will give you a better views in life if you are well educated. In the social aspect of my life education will give me a better understanding on how to communicate to people effectively. I will understand what is happening around me. For example voting, I will have enough knowledge to carefully choose the candidate I will vote for. I will know what to consider in choosing the right candidate to serve and protect our country. I will be able to understand the social issues that our country is facing and will be capable to help in my own little way. However, it is apparent in this competitive world that most of the successful person have the proper education especially the higher position in society they have proved that education will give you the edge in life.
Insane Macbeth :: essays research papers
An insane person is one that demonstrates foolish acts because of their poor mental state. In the beginning of Macbeth, Macbeth is characterized as a brave soldier. His bravery on the battlefield earned him the titles of Thane of Cawdor and Glamis. The play leads the reader to believe that Macbeth is sane, but when he receives prophesy from the witches that he will be king, an insane character emerges from within. Macbeth demonstrates these characteristics when he claims to see a floating dagger and an illusionary ghost and also becomes obsessed with the idea of killing others, and not being completely human. Macbeth displays the characteristics of an insane character because of his foolish acts and poor mental state when he visualizes the floating dagger, speaks to a ghost, becomes obsessed with killing others and with the idea of being invincible. When Macbeth begins talking to a ghost, his insanity becomes very apparent to the reader. From another one of the witches prophesies, Macbeth is threatened by Banquo because his sons are to be king one day as well. Macbeth begins to see Banquo’s and makes foolish comments. He says, â€Å"[Macbeth] The table’s full†¦ [Lennox] Here is a place reserved sir. [Macbeth] Where? [Ross] Gentlemen, rise, his Highness is not well.†(3:4:47-49,53) In this quote Macbeth demonstrates his insanity because he thinks that the table is full and does not realize that the ghost he sees is invisible to the other sane people in the room. The others notice that Macbeth is insane as well because Ross even suggests that he is not well. Macbeth also appears to be insane when he tries to talk to the ghost. Macbeth says â€Å"[To the ghost] Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!†(3:4:93-94) Here, Macbeth is talking to the ghost and
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Comparison of Christians and Buddhists Essay -- comparison compare c
Christians Live for Today, Buddhists Live for Tomorrow  Death is perhaps the most difficult aspect of life humans are forced to deal with. In order to help us cope, we have implemented the grieving process--a series of events with the purpose of making death easier to deal with--into our lives. Not everyone handles death in the same fashion, and each culture has rituals characteristic to itself that may differ greatly from another culture's rituals. Christianity and Buddhism are two religions that have completely different grieving processes, and in a conversation with Ms. Sit-Sen Wong, a Buddhist from Malaysia, this idea was confirmed as a fact. Through life, Buddhists constantly prepare for death and the afterlife, while Christians, although concerned about that, focus on enjoying the present life as much as possible. Many factors have contributed to this deduction and all are based on the differences in the grieving process rituals between American Christians and Malaysian Buddhists.  Until someone close to us passes away, we forget just how important every minute is that we have. Life is short, therefore, it is necessary not to spend too much time on any one thing. The amount of time spent mourning in America is considerably less than that spent in Malaysia. For example, the funeral and burial, the final outward phases of grieving, takes place, on average, a week after the death of the individual. The Buddhists, however, pray for the soul of the individual every day for six entire weeks. While the Christian view is to grieve, but quickly continue with one's life, the Buddhists feel that they cannot continue until the prayer process is complete. While a Christian may continue to pr... ... during the service, as the Buddhists focus entirely on prayer.  It is evident that the grieving process for Buddhists is far more structured than that for Christians. This is because the family and friends of the deceased are the main concern and the soul of the individual is not. The funeral service helps to reassure everyone that the soul is going to heaven, and that we will all meet again. There is much comfort found in this that allows Christians to carry on, focusing on this life to reserve their spots in heaven. The Buddhists, however, are certain that the soul will be reincarnated, so it is extremely important to ensure its safe journey. The focus is placed on prayer for the soul, as what one did in life makes little difference in the end. It is because of these factors that the Christians live for today, the Buddhists live for tomorrow.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Life or death †whose decision is it anyway?
The courses of actions that were taken shall be justified through the use of Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative. The categorical imperative provides that one ought to, â€Å"[a]ct only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.†There are however two formulations of the categorical imperative. The above-mentioned is the first one and the second is â€Å"[a]ct in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.†Scenario 1The primary issue at hand is whether or not it was ethical for the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her family’s objections; especially when it was found that in the end, the surgery was a contributing cause to Angela’s death. Thus, the primary issue here is wheth er or not abortion would have been ethical given the situation. What is the best course of action to take given the situation?But even before proceeding, what exactly is the situation? The situation is the fact that Angela is faced with cancer and she has only a few days to live. Her physicians and her family wanted to preserve her life as much as they could. In addition, the surgery (cesarean section), which while gives the baby 50 to 60% chance to survive, endangers Angela’s life and withers the last few days that she has left, not to mention the fact that . Furthermore, they estimated that there was a less than 20 percent chance that the child would be disabled. The physicians also testified that the surgery would increase the chances of Angela Carter’s death.The best course of action taken was the course taken by the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her famil y’s objections.. Thus, given the situation it would not have been ethical to abort the baby. This decision can be justified using Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative.The categorical imperative can be explained simply through the discussion on duties. Basically if a course of action or decision is one’s duty, then it can be willed to become a universal law. If on the other hand, a course of action is not part of one’s duty then it cannot be said to become a universal law.Given the situation above, it is the duty of Angela’s doctors to uphold the value of life. In fact as doctors, it is part of their Hippocratic Oath â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them†and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest.†However, it becomes complicated as they, in a way have to choose between Angela’s and her baby’s li fe. As it is their duty to protect their patients’ lives, they are now confronted with a scenario that they have to inevitably choose one of their patients’ lives. Thus, the question is can the doctors continue performing their duties without aborting the baby? Are there alternatives?Subjected to the first formulation of the categorical imperative, the action not to abort and keep the child may be regarded as a universal law and may be imposed upon any other individual who finds himself/ herself in such a situation.They may do without abortion as the same is in compliance with their duty to preserve life because there are other means by which they may still comply with their duty to Angela to protect and safeguard her life. One of these is by making sure that she is given the best possible attention during the surgery. It must be noted that Angela’s is bound to live for only a few days, no matter what the doctors do.The course of action is further affirmed and c larified as it is subjected to the second formulation. From such maxim arises the duty that human life must be protected and safeguarded because it must not be treated just as a means but always at the same time as an end.Ideally, the best course of action is to try all means possible and necessary to safeguard both Angela and her baby’s life. However, it must be noted that Angela’s life is already on the losing end and no matter what the doctors do, she was bound to die sooner rather than later. Thus, aborting the baby is but a means to making sure that Angela will live albeit for a few a days; with this fact, such course of action does not pass the second formulation of the categorical imperative. The life of the baby must be treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, in this case the doctors of George Washington Hospital undertook to perform the best course of action given the situation as at the end of the day, life or death is not a decision that any per son can make. For that matter, no one person can ever make that decision for someone else.Scenario 4The primary issue in this scenario was whether or not it would be ethical for the Dr. Wendy Smith to inform Jack’s father that he will die unless he gets a liver transplant.The issue arises from the fact that Jack believes that his father’s situation will worsen once the gravity of his predicament is made known to him. On the other hand, Dr. Wendy Smith believes by his sworn duty to inform the patient of what he is up against.In this situation there is a clash of duties between the duty of Jack to his father, as a son and the duty of the doctor to Jack’s father as his doctor. It is the duty of Jack to do everything in his power to make sure that the best interests of his father is upheld and taken care of. On the other hand, in addition to the above-mentioned duties of a doctor â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patient s, and to try to avoid harming them†and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,†it is also their duty â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.†We shall now find out the resolve of the conflicting duties by subjecting them to the two formulations of the categorical imperative.With respect to Jack’s duty, it is true that the upholding the best interests of one’s parent can be willed that it should become a universal law. In addition, by upholding the best interests of one’s parent, one acts in such a way that he/she treats humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.With respect to Dr. Wendy Smith’s duties â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them,†â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,†and â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.†The same can be willed that they can become universal laws and the same are also means by which humanity is treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, as both were subjected to the categorical imperative and both passed the formulations, what then? It can be noted that Jack’s duty is to make sure that the best interests of his father are upheld, but how does Jack know what his best interests are? Is concealing the truth to him of his best interest? Thus, we subject this to the categorical imperative.Concealing the truth cannot be willed to become a universal law. If the same were to be allowed to become universal law then all concealments of truth in all situations not related to the situation at hand will be justified. The same is inconsistent to upholding the virtue of truth. At the same time, concealing the truth is actually a method by which one is treated as a means and not as end. This is so as concealment provides a myopic view – it is a mere means for the people around Jack’s father to avoid the issue of his impending demise for themselves rather than making sure that Jack’s father is apprised of his situation and is prepared for the worst possible ending of his situation.Thus, the best course of action to take is the action backed up by Dr. Wendy Smith’s duty as a doctor to inform the patient of his predicament no matter how grave said situation is.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Black History Essay
â€Å"The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years from now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event†(John Henrik Clarke). These were the words of the awe inspiring pan African American writer, professor, and historian John Henrik Clarke. Being that of a well self-educated intellectual, John Henrik Clarke argued for the power of black history as well as of its importance. During Clarke’s time, January 1, 1915 to July 16, 1998, he became a very respected historian for his push for the importance of Africana Studies. The African American community saw him as an influential powerhouse as he portrayed and pioneered the formation of Africana studies in the United States. Many argued that African and African American history was not worthy of being studied but Clarke had his morals set otherwise. His role as an activist drove him to challenge academic historians to alter the way African and African American history was taught and seen throughout the U. S. Though some would dismiss his views and denounce the importance of the black community, he fought back illuminating the biases Eurocentric views has upon our society in the U. S. Clarke was a role model to many afroncentric views because of his leadership in redressing racist suppressions among African and African American history that was taught by traditional scholars. John Henrik Clarke’s accomplishments were great motivations for the advancement of black empowerment with the United States nation. In the film describing the life of Ida B. Wells, â€Å"A Passion for Justice†, Wells was also a teacher in the empowerment of the African culture. Her commonalities with that of John Henrik Clarke’s were one in the same. Both scholars sought for the equality of African American’s through history in a Eurocentric based nation. Wells had power in the press, and was formally known as the â€Å"Princess of the Press†. She had the power to change the ideals and views that African’s and white people had to a more afrocentric based thought. Her journal entries and news articles inspired many African American’s to leave the south and start boycotting for their rights as citizens. Both John Henrik Clarke and Ida B. Wells had one major thing in common, the power of the pen. Both leaders in the Black Power Movement, these two writers knew they could enrich the black culture by validating to them their history, and the way they are treated in society. Wells and Clarke wanted to show their fellow African American’s that they should not be afraid of the nation they live in, and that they should be treated with respect and equality. At one point during her tenure, Wells was forcefully asked to get off a train that she was on. She fought the racism by taking a stand and declining the man’s command. The case was taken to court and although the court was in favor of the white man, Wells exhibited true courage to fight against racist demands. Wells deeds formed her into a role model and praised icon; African American’s started to see how unfairly they are treated and began listening to Wells words of encouragement for the power of the Black culture in the U. S. Likewise, Clarke’s action to form black power through teaching history was also an inspiration to fight for their rights. Another film, â€Å"The Spirit of Allensworth†, was a focus on Lietenant Colonel Allen Allensworth. Allensworth was a very influential African American man who initially was a man born into slavery. His drive to become something rather then a slave pushed him to escape and educate himself illegally. He was then able to join the army and prove that African Americans are worthy of this nation and showed the black culture that their race can furthermore aid to the success of the United States. Just like Clarke’s push for black empowerment, Allensworth wanted to uplift the African American spirits and bring equality. Through this, Allensworth was able to create and establish the town of Allensworth, of course named after himself. Clarke and Allensworth both supported the study of the black culture and had similarities in being the founders of black empowerment. In the book â€Å"Black Women in White America†, by Greta Lerner, Lerner portrays various incidents and situations that mainly black African American women had had to go through in this white based nation. One quote expressed that â€Å"In black women’s liberation we don’t want to be equal with men, just like in black liberation we’re not fighting to be equal with the white man. We’re fighting for the right to be different and not be punished for it. Equal means sameness†, (Black Women in White America, pg. 608). This quote furthermore exhibits that the injustice that black women must tolerate is not just a matter of becoming equal with men and whites, but a symbol of being who we are, and ultimately being accepted for it. It is a portrayal of proving that each and every person is different and not the same, yet in order to live and prosper, we must have different qualities and talents that help our nation thrive. Going back to John Henrik Clarke’s notion, all he wanted was to display how that from learning from our past helps to embellish our American will and culture altogether. By learning history from all different cultures pasts, this can, in the future, help our nation become more advanced. But in turn, there are always those people who do not want to accept others for being different then themselves. Many African American’s, â€Å"Used to think that there was hope, that maybe black and white people together could solve all the problems. But I the recent years I learned it is not true†¦ I think that black people now have to go back to what I call the Reconstruction days in order that black people will be able to stand in dignity and freedom. Because there is no way for the son of a slave to stand up to a son of a master and be two people together- because the psychological position of both parties is still that one is slave and one is master. And it does not change. Black people have to get freedom for themselves; it cannot be given to them†(Black Women in White America, pg.555). As one can see, Clarke’s incentives are expressed throughout this quote. Because some cannot see past one’s ‘book cover’, then others must prove their worth to become accepted. It is not fair to the black culture but if African’s do not step up to the plate and claim their rights, their power will just then be pushed further back. John Henrik Clarke fought for black empowerment, and his accomplishments are an inspiration too many African American’s to take a positive step forward in black power advancement. The book â€Å"From Slavery to Freedom†, by John Hope Franklin, acknowledges â€Å"The treatment of black troops throughout the war reflected how entrapped African Americans were in a Jim Crow society, no matter how vital or brave their service†¦ Blacks were subjected to racial insults†¦ African American soldiers vigorously protested these and other insults to their officers and, through letters to newspapers, to the American public†¦ Most exercised restraint, however, enduring insults and mistreatment in the belief that by demonstrating an indifference to racism, as well as by showing their patriotism, they would strengthen their race’s claims to equal treatment†(From Slavery to Freedom, pg. 331). This relates to Clarke’s approach towards seeking a positive change in the African American society within the United States. Blacks, no matter how good their deeds were, were still subjected to racial insults. The quality of black troops aiding in the American infantry portrays progressing black empowerment within the American culture. By stepping forth, like John Henrik Clarke, and proving their worth, these black soldiers become role models to other blacks and every other race as well to show how through toil and suffrage, they were still helpful in their nation’s success. African American’s were very prominent in the military and, â€Å"Performed all kinds of services in the union army. Organized into raiding parties, they were sent through Confederate lines to destroy fortifications and supplies. Since they knew southern country sides better than most white soldiers and could pass themselves off as slaves, they were extensively used as spies and scouts. White officers relied upon information secured by black spies†(From Slavery to Freedom, pg. 239). Without the help from black soldiers, the confederate army would have had the upper hand in the south. The former slaves knowledge from their past, helped to defeat enemy lines and furthermore help out the north’s prosperity. Because of the assistant from the former African American slaves, their freedom the south and cultural empowerment was escalated. This kind of knowledge helped to determine Clarke’s way of proving African American’s value in their past history. The text by Lawrence Graham, â€Å"Our Kind of People†, engages in the more privileged black community in the U. S. â€Å"Free blacks in the South were generally required to carry papers proving that they were not slaves and were required to register annually in their counties, listing their white guardians. However they were permitted to work for money and to own property, thus creating the first opportunity for blacks to establish their families with some moderate wealth†(Our Kind of People, pg. 8). This furthermore exemplifies the push that former slaves had strived towards in order to gain freedom and obtain financial support for themselves. Though starting at the bottom with nothing, newly freed African Americans were able to establish themselves and their families by working. Like stated before, becoming equal with the whites was not going to come easy or fair, but with work and help from each other, progressing towards African cultural empowerment was going to be inevitable. â€Å"When slaves were brought to Washington, a large concentration of them lived and worked in the Georgetown area. From there, they built roads and erected many of the government buildings and monuments. In the 1790s, Benjamin Banneker, a free black man, surveyed the city and designed the grid for the city’s main avenues and streets†(Our Kind of People, pg. 219). Washington is of much importance to our country, and without the contributions of the freed slaves, many of the nation’s government’s buildings and roads would have not been built during that time. In turn, this also exemplifies the impact even one African American had upon society. Just like everyone else or ever a white person, it was a black man that helped to design the basis of the city’s mainframe. Again, with the knowledge and help from African American history, in the eyes of John Henrik Clarke, more good to this nation is preformed. Though African Americans fought their way to freedom, â€Å"Their incomes, however substantial, and status, however high ranking, did not shield them from the ugly sting of racism, which is likely to never be completely rooted out in this country†(Jason Donovan). As much as racism is a terrible factor to have upon our society, their will always be those who will not let it go; and as black empowerment keeps progressing forward, the American culture will soon phase it out. Looking back in history, â€Å"We as a people, African-American’s, continue to strive and overcome the struggle. With our multicultural race; what you see is not always who we are†¦ You may see an African-American man, woman, boy or girl; each may have a different complexion on their exterior but their image does not define who they are†(Monique Washington). Many are so preoccupied with the color of skin and one’s appearance that they are all blinded by what good everyone is capable of doing. John Henrik Clarke’s aim for African American knowledge is not necessarily just to learn about African’s, but to teach of how many black American’s helped to contribute to America’s good fortune and personality. America is mixed with every kind of culture and without the history of blacks; our nation would not be where it would be today. â€Å"After decades of silently enduring second-class citizenship, blacks in the late 1940s and early 1950s began to challenge the injustices they faced on a daily basis. Although segregation in public facilities other than schools was rarely questioned during this time period, blacks were slowly gaining the resolve to finally stand up to Jim Crow†(Lisa Cozzens). It is a never ending sequence of fighting racism, prejudice, and inequality, but validates that in time, black empowerment will not be overlooked by America anymore. Just like how John Henrik Clarke stood up for the knowledge of African American studies, It was crucial for blacks to stand up to the unfair laws of Jim Crow. By fighting these laws, this gave a passageway to show power and courage in the black community, and that the unjustified rules of society can be overpowered by what is morally right. It is exclaimed that, â€Å"For too many years, black Americans marched and had their heads broken and got shot. They were saying to the country, â€Å"Look, you guys are supposed to be nice guys and we are only going to do what we are supposed to doâ€â€why do you beat us up, why don’t you give us what we ask, why don’t you straighten yourselves out? †After years of this, we are at almost the same pointâ€â€because we demonstrated from a position of weakness. We cannot be expected any longer to march and have our heads broken in order to say to whites: come on, you’re nice guys. For you are not nice guys. We have found you out†(Stokely Carmichael: Black Power). This overall implies the injustice that early whites had put upon the black culture, and the fight back to show strength and not weakness. African’s and African American’s alike had taken so much intolerable pain in the past, and is finally standing up to unfair discrimination. It was implied for the longest time that what the white man was doing was right, but have been found out that their actions were in favor of supporting their own benefits, especially that of the southern states. The slavery exhibited through the southern states were awful and inhuman like, but, â€Å"Despite overall harsh conditions and the absence of freedom, slaves were not just powerless victims of their owners and the slave system†¦ though their lives were circumscribed in many significant ways, they sought to make the best of their circumstances. They succeeded to a remarkable extent, a testimonial to the endurance of the human spirit†(Pre-Civil War African American Slavery). Black empowerment and the spirits of their ancestors were never fully crushed. Even through the torture seen throughout the history of slavery, there was never giving up hope that one day life would get better for blacks, and initially everyone in the nation. As it comes closer to the future, black empowerment still continues to advance in culture, race, history, and throughout the American society, but only if African American keep pushing for their rights. â€Å"Blacks were told that it was up to them to improve their lives. Black Power advocates encouraged blacks to form or join all-black political parties that could provide a formidable power base and offer a foundation for real socioeconomic progress†(Black Power Movement). The Black Power movement instilled a sense of racial pride and self-esteem in blacks. Black empowerment will not advance unless people like John Henrik Clarke stand up and portray their knowledge and integrity. John Henrik Clarke’s main incentive was to merely educate the world about African history and how everything that happened in the past will always affect our nation and how we all live today. It is seen through the past all the injustice that blacks suffered through and endured and that in order for that to change, African American pride must step up to the plate and obtain its place in society. African American’s were first brought here to be used and abused, but in turn have helped the advancement of the America itself as well as its culture. It is only right that blacks have a right to power within the nation as well as within themselves. Works Cited â€Å"Black Power Movement – Blacks, Rights, Whites, Civil, White, and Racial. †Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Cozzens, Lisa. â€Å"Early Civil Rights Struggles: Introduction. †Www. watson. org. 29 June 1998. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Donovan, Jason. â€Å"Idlewild: A ‘Black Eden’ for African Americans. †Michigan Chronicle 13 Oct. 2010: 1-2. ProQuest. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Franklin, John Hope, and Alfred A. Moss. â€Å"Chapter 11/Civil War. †From Slavery to Freedom: a History of African Americans. 8th ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. 239. Franklin, John Hope, and Alfred A. Moss. â€Å"Chapter 15/The Color Line. †From Slavery to Freedom: a History of African Americans. 8th ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. 331. Graham, Lawrence O. â€Å"Chapter 1/The Origins of the Black Upper Class. †Our Kind of People: inside America’s Black Upper Class. New York: HarperCollins, 1999. 8. Graham, Lawrence O. â€Å"Chapter 10/Black Elite in Washington, D. C. †Our Kind of People: inside America’s Black Upper Class. New York: HarperCollins, 1999. 219. Lerner, Gerda. â€Å"Chapter 9/Race Pride, The Only Thing You Can Aspire to Is Nationhood. †Black Women in White America; a Documentary History. New York: Pantheon, 1972. 555. Lerner, Gerda. â€Å"Chapter 10/Black Women Speak of Womanhood, I Want the Right to Be Black and Me. †Black Women in White America; a Documentary History. New York: Pantheon, 1972. 608. â€Å"Pre-Civil War African American Slavery. †National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1880. 26 Sept. 2002. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . â€Å"Stokely Carmichael: Black Power (1966). †Encyclop? dia Britannica. New York Review of Books, 22 Sept. 1966. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Washington, Monique. â€Å"Changing History Is Changing Minds. †Los Angeles Sentinel.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Freakonomics Essay Essay
The most interesting excerpt of â€Å"Freakonomics†was the connection made between crime rates and abortions. This passage was fascinating for a few reasons. The first reason being that it makes absolute and complete sense, so much so that it should be common sense. This correlation between the legalization of abortion and the rate of crime going down is so simple, yet so incredibly profound. This piece of information, if used correctly, can totally obliterate the argument that pro-choice is a negative thing for society. On a more personal note, I found the concept that the crime rate really is not as high as it was in the 90’s to be encouraging. One thing I really do not enjoy is when an adult says something along the lines of, â€Å"The world really isn’t what it used to be,†when referring to safety. As much as I do understand that â€Å"back in the day†things were much more relaxed and safer, all I can do is accept how the world is now and not let it get in the way of my life. With the decline of the crime rate in the 90’s due to abortion, it is a great feeling to think that where our world is, safety-wise, is not at its lowest point, and therefore we know that it can be handled. Overall I really enjoyed this book. Even the parts I did not like very much still caught my attention. An example of this is the section pertaining to how real estate agents may not try their very hardest to get you the best deal. Although this makes absolute sense in the simplest manner, much like everything in this book, it is not the easiest to stomach. While the real estate agents only lose a couple hundred dollars in commission, a buyer or seller can lose thousands of dollars because of an antsy real estate agent. Another example of a part that I did not like was the excerpt on the teachers cheating for their students. I was completely put off by this because in the end, the students ended up in a worse spot than where they were original. Standardized testing is put in place to make sure that no children fall too far behind in school. While I don’t believe in all of the repercussions of standardized testing such as lack of funding for low scores or teachers solely teaching to the test, I do believe that standardized testing does serve a really important purpose in schools. Standardized testing is a benchmark that the teachers should strive to reach for with every child in their class. This testing ensures that kids are learning the fundamentals needed throughout life, such as reading comprehension and critical thinking. The fact that the teachers were cheating for their children proved that the teachers did not believe they have done a good enough job at teaching these fundamentals. These teachers therefore, while they believe the contrary, are doing a disservice to their students. The biggest thing I learned from â€Å"Freakonomics†was that economics is simple, sometimes so simple in fact that the general public a majority of the time over thinks it. Not only that, but economics can also be extremely interesting. This is because at the core of economics, is us. When I say us I mean, us, the people that buy and sell and keep the economy going. Without us, the economy would not exist. So essentially, the study of economics is the study of people and the decisions we make.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Fate vs. Free Will
Although the gods know what one's life will be before he lives it, man still has the freewill to live as he wills†. Fate is an event or action which Is destined to happen in a particular way whereas freewill is the ability to act In a manner which is not influenced by predestination. I believe that these two philosophical concepts Influence the outcome of one another. The basic Interpretation of this adage means that the gods know what our lives are going to be Like from the first moment of birth o our last moment of death, and this ideology refers to fate.During the duration between these two important points, man has the ability to go about and choose to do whatever he may desire, and this ideology refers to freewill. The gods know what choices you are going to make as well as its result. Personally I am able to relate on how fate and freewill influence the outcome of each other. In my religion, it is believed that life in an ongoing cycle and that the person who you are in o ne life will affect the person who you will be in your next life.Likewise a few medical problems, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, run In my family. The elders try their best to encourage each other to remain aware about the health conditions. Recently I have had two deaths In my family relevant to health- related problems. My uncle died to the fatal effects of diabetes and my great- grandmother died due to a weight-related Illness. Before these two very Important and influential people even thought about the poor choices they were intending to make, the gods already knew what the outcome would be.Carols Irwin Settees, also known as by his stage-name Charlie Sheen, was born into a family of renowned actor and actresses and it was assumed, or likewise â€Å"destined†, for him to follow in his family footsteps. However, the outcome of his life did not turn out to be what was expected. This happened when he came across two paths; the path of righteousness and the path of w rongdoing. Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen took the wrong path which led to the physical and emotional destruction of his life and career.This path included alcohol and drug abuse and marital problems, as well as allegations of committing domestic violence. This led to his ejection from the hit television series Two and a Half Men. This scenario portrays how Charlie Sheen was able to go about himself and take whichever actions he desired to do, but the gods already knew what the outcome of his life would be. Fate vs†¦ Free Will By divvy_ran freewill to live as he wills†. Fate is an event or action which is destined to happen in a reticular way whereas freewill is the ability to act in a manner which is not influence the outcome of one another.The basic interpretation of this adage means that the gods know what our lives are going to be like from the first moment of birth Likewise a few medical problems, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, run in my health conditions. Rece ntly I have had two deaths in my family relevant to health- grandmother died due to a weight-related illness. Before these two very important hit television series Two and a Half Men. This scenario portrays how Charlie Sheen
The federal reserve system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The federal reserve system - Essay Example The Federal Reserve, or the central bank, is among the most powerful economic institution in the United States of America. The Federal Reserve was given the power over regulation of the value of money by congress. In simple terms, the Federal Reserve came into being by enactment of the Congress. Consequently, the Congress has the obligation of overseeing the monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. This paper analyzes the importance of the Federal Reserve and strategy in stabilizing the economy of the country. The Fed System consists of a board of Directors, 12 regional bank branches in major US cities, and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the decision making unit of the Fed (Wells 19). The functions of the Fed are vital to the economy of the US as they play a major role in management aggregate demand, total spending, and most importantly, inflation. In the management of aggregate demand, the Fed applies relatively accurate counter-cyclical monetary policy to manage economic activities or aggregate demand. This translates to the essence of monetary policy in the business cycle; the recessions and booms are direct effects of monetary policy set in place. Ultimately, the stability economic activities depend on the stability of the monetary policies. The monetary policy upheld by the Fed also determines the inflation rate in the country. The government at times uses inflation to increase tax revenues thus reducing its debts. On the negative side, inflation disrupts the price system, thus affecting the free market economy. From these deductions, the lasting solution to inflation is stabilizing prices. This can be made one of the monetary policies of FOMC by the Congress. Another important role played by the Fed is that of being the lender of last resort. During crises, the Fed may increase the reserve or liquidity demand requirements thus automatically preventing liquidity shortages and stabilizing the economy. These liquidity reserves need to be adequate and available in economic crises. The Fed also influences the interest rates of major economic sector like automobiles, investments, and housing. The Fed, through its Federal open Market Committee (FOMC) unit, controls the economy of the nation through its monetary policy. Monetary policy is the strategy of either decreasing or increasing the supply of money to enhance a stable growth of the economy. The Fed, with the authority installed upon it in the Monetary Control Act of 1980, may influence the economy through its three main tools; reserve requirements, open market operation or interest rates (Wells 4). On the reserve requirement, the Fed may impose a reserve requirement ratio that is either lower or higher than the prevailing ratio, depending on the nature of the crisis. This rule applies to all the operational banks regardless of their membership to the Fed. An increase in the reserve ratio requirement decreases the supply of money in the economy, and vice versa. To understan d this concept, let us assume that the Fed has imposed a 10% reserve requirement on banks. This translates to 10% of all deposits made. Some calculations translate to ten times the amount of money created, or in general, 1/R, where R is the reserve requirement ratio. Since the banks require only 10% of the amount deposited by their clients for reserve, the actual deposit equals 10% of the number of loans the bank can create. Therefore, the number of total loans a bank can create equals to the actual deposit divided by the reserve requirement. The reserve requirement ratio is very powerful tool, and has only been used twenty two times in a period of 40 years. Nevertheless, the reserve ratio has been maintained at 50% since 1974. The discount rate is also biased by the FOMC for stability of the economy. Discount window is an economical term that refers to the Feds when it lends out money to banks, and the interest rate is known as the discount rate (as the banks turned assets in excha nge for cash). For
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Glaciers,Deserts,Wind; Earth's Interior, Earthquakes, Volcanos and Assignment
Glaciers,Deserts,Wind; Earth's Interior, Earthquakes, Volcanos and other activity - Assignment Example Desserts are large expanses of land that receive less than 25cm of rainfall each year. Desserts are very dry regions and comprise of sand, sand dunes, snow, snowdrifts and cacti and other plants suited to adapt themselves and grow in such dry areas where water is scarce. There are two types of desserts – 1) Hot deserts that experience very hot weather. E.g. The Sahara, and 2) Cold deserts that experience very chill weather, sometimes even below freezing point. The Earth is covered by 33% of desert land. Moving air is called wind. The strongest winds found on a planet in our Solar system are found on planets like Saturn and Neptune. Very strong winds that carry on for a long period of time are called hurricanes, typhoons, tornados or gales. Wind usually moves from high pressure regions to regions of low pressure and thus maintains a balance. If there is a major difference in pressure then it results in storms, cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. Winds are capable of moving soil especially in the desserts while cold winds could have an adverse effect on livestock. The Earth is made up of different layers. It has a solid crust of silicate, a mantle that is viscous in nature and a very hard inner core. The outer layer which is the crust is solid and comprises of silicon, aluminum and oxygen. Below the crust is the mantle which is liquid in nature and mostly made up of oxygen, magnesium and silicon. The core is the innermost layer and comprises of solid ion and nickel with a pressure that ranges between 5000 to 6000 degrees centigrade. The violent shifting or moving of rocks under the earth’s crust is called an earthquake. It is also referred to as a tremor of quake and usually occurs for a very brief period of time. Earthquakes occur as a result of energy that is suddenly released from within the earth’s crust creating seismic waves through the Earth.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Pharmacy as a Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pharmacy as a Career - Essay Example Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor in Biochemistry at Middle Tennessee State University. It has given me a strong grounding of medicinal chemistry and pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, pharmaceutics practice and pharmacology. My areas of interest include cell and molecular biology, medicines design, disease pathology, pharmacology and systematic physiology. Studying Biochemistry, I have learned that my strength lies in the field of pharmacy and pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree will help fulfill my goals in the future. My educational background has assisted much in shaping my career goals and interests. I have worked as a CVS for two years as a Pharmacy Technician. While working in this position, I was responsible, diligent, paid attention to details pertaining to the job. I worked with a large number of patients with diverse health conditions and offered unwavering assistance in improving and maintaining their health. By offering assistance to patients I gained positive interpersonal a nd professional skills in dealing with patients. I am also a member of pre-script, a club of medical pre-professionals, where I enjoy meeting new people allowing me to acquire a greater understanding of their perception, theories, and ideas in the field of pharmacy. Undertaking self-development, work-based and research assignments, I will manage projects, which can contribute to the field of pharmacy, while working in the clinic or the laboratory environment. I am eagerly anticipating the challenge of a career involving lifelong learning.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Urban Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Urban Sociology - Essay Example Urban Sociology After some time we have seen that the lock on the main door was broken & the door is open.As the problem becomes big & big it is very hard to solve the problem and also the control the reoccurrence of the problem. Due to lack of time we are not able to repair the lock & the door remain open. After some time we found the glasses fixed on windows are also broken and the floor of the house is full of waste material. Time to time the condition of the house became worst. The material inside the house was theft and every thing was broken within a short span of time. If the lock of the door was repaired in time then definitely there will not be such damage in the house. So the broken window theory clearly state that if we take action initially then we can prevent big damage and crime. For this State of New Jersey announced a "Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program designed to improve the quality of community life in twenty-eight cities. According to this program, police officer should move in the city without vehicle means they need to move on foot to minimize crime. The objective is to secure the citizen. Citizens in the foot patrol areas had a more favorable opinion of the police than did those living elsewhere. And officers walking beats had higher morale, greater job satisfaction, and a more favorable attitude toward citizens in their neighborhoods than did officers assigned to patrol cars. Jacob found the relationship between the environmental factors and the people. Jacob found how physical & social urban factor affect the life of people. Jacob discovered how environmental factors cause prevention of crime. Jacob hypothesized that urban residential crime could be prevented by reducing conditions of anonymity and isolation in that area. Jacob thought that crime rate is increasing due to attitude of the people towards their neighbors. Even neighbors do not recognize each others. That's why they do not know whether the stranger entering into the society is a member o f society or not. Jocb stated that high levels of natural surveillance created a safe environment. According to Jacob one of our best protections against crime is to live in a community where neighbors watch out for each other and stand ready to call the police or to intervene directly where they spot a criminal. (c.) Explain Duneier's criticism of the broken windows theory as applied to the Greenwich Village vendors and panhandlers he studied. Greenwich vendors & panhandlers were first studied by Jane Jacobs in 1961, after that she wrote a book "The Death and Life of Great American Cities, which represented Greenwich Village sidewalk interaction as the ideal for what makes up a "great" American city. Duneier revisited the Jacobs principal by went back to the neighborhood. On the sidewalk, he studied the vendors who are not having houses, scavengers, and panhandlers. While side walking he found that the people are filled with illegality, personal defect, and shame and also a world of mutual support, struggles for respectability, ingenuity, and resilience. Duneier's main agenda was to understand the ways in which "moral" behavior and "decency" affects the crime. He also found that the sidewalk was quite different than it was when Jacobs described it, when "eyes and ears upon the street" were presumed to make sidewalk life safe and comfortable. His method was participant observation, and he worked as a magazine scavenger and street vendor on and off during
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Rhetoric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rhetoric - Essay Example Having learned the history of rhetoric, I realized that this 'art of persuasion' deserts delight and respect. According to the historical chronicles, our understanding of rhetoric rises from the fifth century B.C. in Athens, Greece.The word implied a use of words, even a manipulation of words. The main stress was on public speaking, as at that time people didn't need to write down their thoughts, so they expressed themselves in oral mode. Aristotle was the philosopher who first gave detailed explanation of rhetoric. He suggested that logic was one of many available means of persuasion. "People could also be persuaded by an appeal to emotions or to the character of the speaker, for example"4. During the Renaissance, after the printing had been invented, rhetorical concepts were applied on a large scale to written discourse. But as books were quite rare, teaching had a form of "lecture," which implied reading aloud from a book so that the students could note the most significant things. In the twentieth century, rhetoric is still popular, but it was a little modified during its 26-century history.
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